Thursday, May 21, 2009

Examples Of Questions On A Cogat Test

JUAN JOSE GOMEZ CADENAS, atomic physicist.

"Being nuclear is the best way to be green."

Professor of Atomic and Nuclear Physics. Search
dark matter in the universe Canfranc underground laboratory.

What are you looking Canfranc underground?
Dark Matter.

What that?
heavy and inert particles do not interact with matter. To be able to detect the trace, we insulate ourselves from the other particles in the environment.

A underground lab?
and shielded with lead Roman anchor.

I've heard "Roman anchors?
The Roman lead anchors is very inert, non-irradiated, has been more than two thousand years under water, protected from radiation!

What radiation?
The cosmic and the Earth itself. The Earth is radioactive, the Earth's core is a nuclear reactor! And hence the heat it emits.

Should I fear the Earth's core?
No! And you should not fear the waste from nuclear power plants.

Excuse me, but scary.
well insulated lead and cement, only emit hot! Heat for 150 years. If we were smart, would take advantage of that heat to heat water, would free heat for an entire city!

The idea is James Lovelock, father of environmentalism: "I'm green, but before I am a scientist," says Lovelock. It is my own case.

You are a nuclear physicist ... What about Green? I
nuclear environmentalist. There is no better way to go green to be nuclear! Nuclear power is the only one that can provide all the electricity we need without environmental costs. You can not be effective without nuclear environmentalist.

alludes " Greenpeace?
nuclear energy condemn prejudice, although one of its founders, Patrick Moorey, today and defended. And he had to leave Greenpeace: Greenspirit founded.

But a nuclear plant contaminates ...
The only nuclear power plant emits is water vapor! Pollute more if you smoke a cigarette in the doorway of a nuclear.

Until there is a radiation leak.
Existing security systems, water-moderated, are not viable any leakage. Before that, the plant will stop alone. For

Ascó fails.
turbine failure! Not reactor.

Not heard of Chernobyl?
It produced plutonium for bombs, and therefore had no concrete ceiling: to extract fast reactor rods! Outrageous: that is why he jumped. No nuclear power, armor, will explode.

you sure?
Security. Look, we live in nuclear hysteria: there are no aircraft accidents and aircraft calls for a ban. And nuclear power is safer than a plane! Safer

be a power station.
False! A thermal power plant emits particles of heavy elements: release to the atmosphere more radioactivity than a nuclear!

never heard that.
The thermal burn coal and gas, loaded air pollution and respiratory diseases aggravated asthmas generates acid rain damaging vegetation ... And above, released into the atmosphere tons of CO2.

greenhouse What is it serious?
If we do not curb CO2 emissions will alter the climate cycles, which will commit the crops: there will be famine.

What if we replace the thermal power plants and wind farms?
Two problems: people object to so many mills, and are intermittent.

why "so many"?
A nuclear plant would provide electricity to an entire autonomous region. For the same energy we would need 2,000 wind turbines, 500 meters from each other: training from Barcelona to Seville. And multiplied by seventeen communities!

Why does it come and go?
What is renewable energy such as wind and photovoltaics: the wind stops blowing, the sun goes down! And for that production is continuous, it is something that no one can explain ...

What is it?
small power plants are installed next to wind farm or solar power, and when the sun goes down or stops the wind ... "Hit the gas, Pepe!". And so we continue to pollute! And besides, depending on the gas in Algeria. Do

solar parks are not guarantees a solution, then?
No, but more research to improve! Solar energy (sunlight sent some mirrors to heat water tower) itself is effective on a small scale.

tone down our energy ... and will not need much electricity.
let ourselves today While we spend so much, that we should-if the rest of humanity reaching our altitude, which will- Global electricity consumption is creepy!

That if the produce mainly thermal in the atmosphere will cause a concentration of CO2 unsustainable!

Is your conclusion that only nuclear contemplates avoid this global suicide?
Yes, integrated into what I call the power mix: hydroelectric dams + + wind farms and solar thermal power plants. If we invest now in the mix, in twenty years the English energy will be sovereign. Do you think we do it?

Then, shaking!