Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tonsil Cancer Misdiagnosis

Underground City 1969 [Oscar Newman]

In the spring of 1969, a nuclear test occurred in the basement of a field missing Nevada unidentified hole half a mile in diameter. This news leads to Oscar Newman to consider underground cities (built in this way) as a way to decongest big cities like Tokyo or New Yoork generating residential areas in the upper hemisphere and industrial and storage areas at the bottom. The weather contralarĂ­a by a giant vents using the upper hemisphere as a sort of Cinerama in the form of the fictional world of The Truman Show, in which no doubt could not miss advertisements for Coca Cola (see image in detail.)


unbuilt AMERICA [1976] Alison Sky + Michelle Stone

Monday, March 21, 2011

Gay Suck Instructions

1968 Future Moon Moon Shelter Ideas [Northern Polytechnic School of Architecture of London]

A U.S. point of arrival to the moon and under the influence of futurists like John Mc Hale, the obsession with the coming to earth satellite flooded even British universities. Here is an example of a study of ideas designed by students at the Northern Polytechnic School of Architecture of London for lunar settlements published in the 2000 + of Architectural Design led by John Mc Hale himself. If you make a comparison, each of the examples designed by the students corresponds to a clear outline of the houses designed years ago to be built with plastic materials.


Architectural Design 2000 + [February 1967]

Friday, March 18, 2011

Outer Banks Senior Week


During the 80's and part of 90, one of the Emilio Ambasz great obsessions has been to opt for a green architecture, which has led to many variations of how to incorporate nature into his buildings through NATURAL PERVERSIONS designed to give birth to several mechanisms:

A cover continuous terraced green for Fukuoka Prefectural International Hall , which is one of the few built. The deck becomes the meeting place of work in the building, they can walk through it as if it were a park.

a lush indoor garden, in the reuse of former Union Station in Kansas City, that gives continuity to a nearby park. In this way the building becomes the winter garden existing in the way of the picturesque English gardens, full of rocks and artificial elements in natural and exotic appearance.

An indoor garden in an extreme climate (similar Ambasz Siberia's account) for the hall of a shopping mall in the city of Obihiro, in the most northern Japan, in this Nichii Obihiro Department Store.

A simulation of sunset in an interior of Banque Bruxelles Lambert Lausanne. At that through a veil Edge generates a kind of mountain scenery in a simulated sunset through the overlapping layers and the generation of perspective lines on the floor and objects out of scale.

Remodeling In Plaza Mayor de Salamanca , Ambasz proposed excavated topography whose roof is made up of a number of trees of varying heights that produce a nearly horizontal green perfect in the perimeter of the square.

The generation of a solid green wall from a main structure of trays in which to place your potted bonsai including generating a route in Chiba New Town Center.

green roofs A nursery pots in a wooded area called Sale , outside Mexico City .


Emilio Ambasz Architettura e Design [1994] Triennale di Milano

A Style for the year 2001. AU Special Issue [summer 1985]

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Newest Dress Up Games 2010

[X] 1978 79 BEST SITE AND ITS SUPERMARKETS (naturalized)

If a study of architecture can be highlighted by their NATURAL PERVERSIONS certainly those are the Americans SITE (with permission of Emilio Ambasz who will dedicate the next post), best known for its crumbling warehouses BEST. for this company also designed three supermarket new clothing for their boring department stores whose main theme was Artificial Naturalization.

BUILDING FOREST 1978. Richmond, Virginia

The construction of these stores was scheduled in a suburban area occupied by a dense forest on one side of the road. SITE attempts to reverse the situation creating a building that looks invaded the forest and not the reverse. He owns this iconic image (retrieved very accurately in a second prize (sorry) the competition for the market Sanchinarro) of natural perversion of entry to a forest that turns out to be another supermarket BEST.

Terrarium Showroom 1978. California.

The location of the supermarket was a mound visible from the highways that surround Los Angeles. SITE thus takes the earth excavated for display in the glass facade of the building the geological stratum that was in place prior to construction, leaving a gap of 20cm between the glass facade and the brick wall. Across the roof of the weeds will grow as it did on the site yet built.

HIALEAH SHOWROOM 1978/79. 5301 West 20th Avenue, Hialeah, Miami.

SITE In this case generated in the facade of a microcosm of plant life in Miami with palm trees and rock Arean between a glass enclosure and the interior brick structure as a min-greenhouse with which the facade of the building becomes a reflection of something that does not exist, and which is flanked by buildings and a large car park opposite. Strikes me as getting SITE transform this effect around the building in a paradise it seems that the vegetation interior part of the reflection of the facade.


A + U Extra Edition E8612 Site December [1986]

SITE Architecture as Art [1982] GG