Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Cellular Respiration Of Mammals And Reptiles

My life in a suitcase 1975 Maintainer: A suitcase for Living [Cooperative Project of the AA Architectural Association]

Starting from the idea of \u200b\u200b "Man as a" and no duplication of services , a group of Architectural Association in London built a prototype of its "maintainer" or suitcase to live in which all the equipment of a house is stored in suitcases carried by a man who, when deployed, stacked, grouped display everything you need to generate uses such as housing, small schools, clinics for emergencies. The versatility of Maintainer occurs when you can also equip adosándosele or equipping existing buildings within the same time generating new structures of character variables as all bags can be linked also generating mating structures lighter. Heavy enough housing ... my life in a suitcase ...


Architectural Design February 1976


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