Monday, February 14, 2011

How Many Inches Can You Lose With Preparation H

INTERACTION CENTER 1972/1977 [Cedric Price] Hybridization of programs / Flexibility / Components supported as an option for future

As apparent from what might have been the Fun Palace ... this neighborhood arts center designed by Price is truly an option for the future not only in terms of construction of unfinished structures through compatible components (trusses Catalog / windows Caravan / containers equipped plug in) but the versatility of application programs within a single cultural "structure" and joint programming with the people of the neighborhood. His disappearance even justify theories Price around the expiration of the buildings and the obsolescence of materials ... I leave here the transcription of some the words of Price on this "building" taken from an article published in the journal Domus No 581 of 1978 ...

"The order I received was for a building other than a building ..."

"Many architects come from fatigue, to want to give a three-dimensional shape too fast to what is social welfare. Health centers are less important than health. "

"Architecture is still too foreign to the social aims truer, deeper. I would like it was less, so I'm an architect. "

InterAction And what about the Centre as an example of "architecture without quality" and flexible megastructure that invites comparison with the icon of the moment, the Centre Pompidou?

"As I am a generous person of limited intellect, I like to think that the Inter Action can have fun and also work to infinity all those people who like this type of exchange. There is a possibility building expansion in unfinished areas and sides. What I like is that this building is not the image of a future potential but is now demanding that people handle it. "


Domus No. 581 [1978]

November RIBA Journal 1977


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