Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Need To Cut Sweetness In My Chili

1956 The Revolution? of Plastic Houses in popular magazines such as homes of the future American

Between 1955 and 1956 showed three prototypes of housing built with materials plastics that attracted the interest of American popular magazines, for its ability to generate options for "future" for the construction of affordable housing in series with a great capacity to transport ... 1955 Monsanto House of (built in 1957) as the option for the future of Disney, Tomorrow Land and its subsequent EPCOT (cited in a previous post AF) that follows the center of the first versions of Fuller's Wichita House, the All Plastic House (1956) prototype designed by Ionel Schein for a furniture fair in Paris and whose evolutionary model may be the son of some of the projects of the last Le Corbusier (and later father of Guy Rottier) and presents the honor of being the first home built entirely with plastic materials and House of the Future [1956] of Smithson, built for the Daily Mail Ideal Home Exhibition, which takes the traditional courtyard houses creating a perimeter that is orthogonal aggregation capability and a fully molded interior geometry as the material allows (with much integrated furniture and also molded plastic). This is a House? Asked in the article by Mechanix Illustrated September 1956 in which it appears ...

1955/1957 Monsanto House [Hamilton + Goody] Popular Science Apr 1956 / Mar 1956 Popular Mechanics

1956 All Plastic House [Ionel Schein] Popular Mechanics Ago 1956

1956 The House of the Future [Alison + Peter Smithson] Mechanix Illustrated Sep 1956


Popular Science Apr 1956

Aug 1956 Popular Mechanics

Mar 1956 Popular Mechanics

Mechanix Illustrated Sep 1956


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