Saturday, September 10, 2005

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can you do for your planet?

Reduce - Reuse - Recycle - Avoid .

With these four words have the power to change, little by little, our customs and try to save our abused and Blue Planet.
Everything we do-or fail to do-at home or on the street has any impact on the Earth.

To give a respite to our planet, we must reduce the volume of products we eat and use everything that comes from natural resources that can be completed someday. Do not forget that for the production of all kinds, we need raw materials, water, energy, minerals, etc. that may run or take too much time on renewal. Remember that most of the products we currently consume waste generated in many cases unnecessary and excessive packaging of many products, which end up polluting the air, water and soil. Reducing the volume of products needed to constantly bombard us in advertising. Choose products with less packaging, and especially those who use recyclable materials. Reduce the use, at home, toxins and pollutants, to pollute our rivers and seas less. Reduce use of plastic bags for purchase. Always Bring fabric or shopping cart. Reduce the use of aluminum foil. Reduce consumption of disposable products. Always choose the alternative of glass, ceramic or fabric. Reduce consumption of energy: turn off the TV when you're not watching. Do not leave open the fridge when not needed. Cycle or public transport. Turn off lights when not needed and whether to buy new bulbs, try to be so-called "efficient", although more expensive, ultimately saving on electricity bills, also do not melt as much as the others! In winter, it is convenient to close the radiators in unused rooms and set the thermostat at a moderate temperature. Reduce water consumption. Water is not a toy: it is a treasure that we all have to care. Turn off the tap if you're not using the water (eg brushing teeth). Take a shower instead of bath. Remember at home that need to fix the leaky faucet, or the tanker is leaking. Dropwise can splurge unnecessarily, and without that we hardly realize it, many liters daily.

The more objects reuse, will produce less waste and less finite resources we have to "spend." Buy liquids in returnable glass bottles, that is, those that must be returned in the shop or market to buy new ones. When using paper to write, do not write only on one side and then pull the sheet. Use other side for notes, drafts, take notes, draw, etc. You can also use old paper for packaging. If you take home utilizais coffee filter paper proposes to buy reusable and washable filters. It is cheaper and produces less waste. Are you tired of your games, or have grown too big to play with them? Instead of throwing them away, you give them to other children, through charities, for example. The clothes you've outgrown, maybe you can help someone smaller than you. Remember that not all children have the same oportunidades.También wood and rags can be leveraged and reused for other purposes. Search your area for somewhere to pick them up. RECYCLE

consists reuse materials to make new similar products. This step should be the last of the three mentioned. If you can not reduce the consumption of anything in particular, nor reuse, then, to purchase, always keep in mind this product can be recycled. What can be recycled without problem? paper and cardboard, glass, food waste, etc ... (To make compost, also known as compost). Convince your school, college, workplace, to use recycled paper and also to contact a service for collecting waste paper. So do not throw away all the paper used, but may return to your hands in the form of recycled paper. Never forget that you use paper, had to die a tree. At home, separate all paper and cardboard that would go to waste (newspapers, boxes, etc..). Find out what is the nearest place where you can take. If you can not find a liquid product in a refillable glass container, still picking glass and then bring the empty bottles to a glass container. But always first investigates whether in-store pick up the bottles for reuse. It is always preferable to "reuse" and not have to spend so much energy into making new bottles.

are a few tips to encourage you to continue whenever possible. In this way, you will contribute to less pollution among all Earth. If we stop buying and use these kinds of products harmful to the environment and began to order products that are more respectful of nature, consume less energy and can be reused or recycled, industry and traders will have to start changing. In our hand is conseguirlo.Y remember, do not throw trash on the ground. Neither the streets of our cities or the countryside or the sea or rivers, are dumps!. Tissues. Use handkerchiefs. The industry of disposable products is generating more garbage around the world. Battery operated toys. The batteries are very polluting once we throw away. Especially smaller call button and alkaline. Evita also toys and objects that are made of plastic. In the manufacturing process and to get rid of them, plastics are a major source of pollution (also derived from petroleum). The types of plastics are very varied, and most can not be recycled. In addition, recycling of plastics, eg PVC, is a highly polluting process. Nor is it true that plastic is destroyed without harming nature. Some plastics are broken down into very small particles that can not see, but remain ahí.Las soda cans, are made of metals such as iron, tin and aluminum, whose extraction is very expensive and are minerals we must save. Not recycled because they give very little money, and increase the volume of waste. In addition, these cans come in packs of six, joined by plastic rings that kill marine birds and fish trapped in them. The tetra-brik containers, which are a symbol of our society based on products of "throwaway". All types of aerosols and sprays. There are free alternatives substances harmful to the ozone layer or not the greenhouse effect: sprays, brushes, deodorant tube, etc. Other products to avoid belonging to the group of "disposable" are: paper towels for the kitchen (use kitchen towels that can be washed), cups and plates and cutlery plastic (to make holidays), etc ... Ask your family and friends not to buy anything made of wood from the rainforest, or with some material from endangered animals, ivory, coral, fur, tortoise, turtle soup, dolphin meat, etc. Also ask them not to buy animals in danger of extinction for them in captivity (birds and exotic fish for example). When shopping, avoid buying food presented in "trays" of synthetic cork (polystyrene stru) and wrapped in clear plastic. They are an artificial and unnecessary, you throw in a few minutes after it is purchased, and whose destruction is also contaminated.


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Climate change is a major environmental problem worldwide.

is an increase of global temperatures between 1.4 and 5.8 º C over this century and involves extremely serious for the maintenance of life. The consequences are already being noticed in recent years.

Some examples:

In the south / southeast Europe rains have fallen by 20% between 1900 and 2000. The heat wave of 2003 killed 20,000 people.

• Snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere has decreased and 10% since 1996. Eight out of 9 European glaciers are receding. In fact, since 1974 have lost 85% of the area of \u200b\u200bglaciers in the Alps .
• According to the WTO (World Health Organization), UNEP (United Nations program for the environment) and the OMN (World Meteorological Organization) 150,000 die each year persons as a result of climate change.
Is expected extinction of between 15% and 37% of species due to temperature rise across the globe.

Climate change has the following consequences:

• the increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather events,

• rising sea level,
• the rise and spread of diseases epidemic, and
• reducing food production or extinction of plants, animals and entire ecosystems.

The causes of climate change are greenhouse gases, mainly CO2.

• Most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities, due to burning increasing amounts of fossil fuels and the destruction of forests and grasslands, which might otherwise absorb CO2.

• The greenhouse gas emissions is due to the current energy model, which is based on fossil fuels (to be transformed into energy to emit CO2) and that does not include savings and criteria efficiency.
• This model is supported by the inability of society, business and governments to substitute clean-energy alternatives and promote responsible energy consumption.

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80% of primary forest have been destroyed ...

• Every two seconds away an area of \u200b\u200bprimary forest equivalent to a football field. The remaining 20% \u200b\u200bare threatened for several reasons: oil exploration, mining, large dams and infrastructure.
• Primary forests are large continuous areas of original forest intact, whose evolution depends on natural phenomena and large enough to ensure the survival of populations of living things. There are seven areas such forests cover only 7% of land area .
• Forests regulate the water cycle and protect the land of phenomena such as erosion. They are home to millions of varieties of thousands of species of flora and fauna, and keep unique animals in their species. Also, are home to indigenous communities.
• The main threat to forests is logging, often illegal. Is that illegal timber has been harvested, transported, sold or purchased breaking the law. Indiscriminate felling are made, not repopulated, employing labor in sweatshops or cause wars for control of areas of land.
• The illegal timber comes mainly from tropical countries but also boreal regions (Russia) and exporting countries (China, Finland, Sweden) which are themselves purchasers of illegally logged timber in neighboring regions.

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The Problem of Water.

excessive consumption:
The average water consumption per capita day in Spain is 250 to 300 liters, the third highest in the world. The WHO (World Health Organization) set at 50 liters per capita per day adequate supply of water (for drinking, cooking, personal hygiene and household cleaning).

Pollution and Degradation of Rivers:
The Ministry of Environment has encountered severe pollution in 33% of English rivers. The degradation of rivers, wetlands and aquifers is a constant. Pipes, deforestation and dam construction are factors that have made our rivers in natural assets increasingly scarce.

More and Less Water: Water resources
decrease continuously by increasing population, pollution and climate change. Current trends persist, by 2050 the world will have lost 18,000 cubic kilometers of fresh water, nine times the amount of water currently used in irrigation worldwide. Irrigation water accounts for 70% of total withdrawals.

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Problems in the oceans.

• Depletion of fish stocks: Three quarters of the world fisheries are fully exploited or overexploited . Fishing activity has been depleted populations of marine species. Many whales and small cetaceans could disappear in the coming decades.
• non-target species are caught or nonprofit organization with no respect for their future : A third of the world's catch is thrown into the sea again by low commercial value and threaten endangered species such as turtles, sharks or marine mammals.
• Decreased populations of predatory species : The amount of large predators is now only 10% of pre-industrial levels.
• Disappearance of ecosystems:
- 25% of coral reefs, the most diverse marine ecosystems, has disappeared.

- Approximately 25% of mangrove area (type of tropical forest located on the coast) has disappeared in the last 20 years.
- The deep sea are also at risk. There are between 30,000 and 100,000 sea mounts scattered around the oceans and seas of the planet, and only 200 have been studied. Half of the species found in them are new to science and many exist only in some of these hills. Scientists have identified what is your biggest threat: trawl fishing deep. This is the most destructive fishing practices and indiscriminate use of all that exists.