Saturday, September 10, 2005

Cost Of Cavity Filling

Climate change is a major environmental problem worldwide.

is an increase of global temperatures between 1.4 and 5.8 º C over this century and involves extremely serious for the maintenance of life. The consequences are already being noticed in recent years.

Some examples:

In the south / southeast Europe rains have fallen by 20% between 1900 and 2000. The heat wave of 2003 killed 20,000 people.

• Snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere has decreased and 10% since 1996. Eight out of 9 European glaciers are receding. In fact, since 1974 have lost 85% of the area of \u200b\u200bglaciers in the Alps .
• According to the WTO (World Health Organization), UNEP (United Nations program for the environment) and the OMN (World Meteorological Organization) 150,000 die each year persons as a result of climate change.
Is expected extinction of between 15% and 37% of species due to temperature rise across the globe.

Climate change has the following consequences:

• the increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather events,

• rising sea level,
• the rise and spread of diseases epidemic, and
• reducing food production or extinction of plants, animals and entire ecosystems.

The causes of climate change are greenhouse gases, mainly CO2.

• Most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities, due to burning increasing amounts of fossil fuels and the destruction of forests and grasslands, which might otherwise absorb CO2.

• The greenhouse gas emissions is due to the current energy model, which is based on fossil fuels (to be transformed into energy to emit CO2) and that does not include savings and criteria efficiency.
• This model is supported by the inability of society, business and governments to substitute clean-energy alternatives and promote responsible energy consumption.


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