Saturday, September 10, 2005

Cheats List For Pokemon Vba

80% of primary forest have been destroyed ...

• Every two seconds away an area of \u200b\u200bprimary forest equivalent to a football field. The remaining 20% \u200b\u200bare threatened for several reasons: oil exploration, mining, large dams and infrastructure.
• Primary forests are large continuous areas of original forest intact, whose evolution depends on natural phenomena and large enough to ensure the survival of populations of living things. There are seven areas such forests cover only 7% of land area .
• Forests regulate the water cycle and protect the land of phenomena such as erosion. They are home to millions of varieties of thousands of species of flora and fauna, and keep unique animals in their species. Also, are home to indigenous communities.
• The main threat to forests is logging, often illegal. Is that illegal timber has been harvested, transported, sold or purchased breaking the law. Indiscriminate felling are made, not repopulated, employing labor in sweatshops or cause wars for control of areas of land.
• The illegal timber comes mainly from tropical countries but also boreal regions (Russia) and exporting countries (China, Finland, Sweden) which are themselves purchasers of illegally logged timber in neighboring regions.


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