Saturday, September 10, 2005

Portable Cd Player Aerial Replacement

Problems in the oceans.

• Depletion of fish stocks: Three quarters of the world fisheries are fully exploited or overexploited . Fishing activity has been depleted populations of marine species. Many whales and small cetaceans could disappear in the coming decades.
• non-target species are caught or nonprofit organization with no respect for their future : A third of the world's catch is thrown into the sea again by low commercial value and threaten endangered species such as turtles, sharks or marine mammals.
• Decreased populations of predatory species : The amount of large predators is now only 10% of pre-industrial levels.
• Disappearance of ecosystems:
- 25% of coral reefs, the most diverse marine ecosystems, has disappeared.

- Approximately 25% of mangrove area (type of tropical forest located on the coast) has disappeared in the last 20 years.
- The deep sea are also at risk. There are between 30,000 and 100,000 sea mounts scattered around the oceans and seas of the planet, and only 200 have been studied. Half of the species found in them are new to science and many exist only in some of these hills. Scientists have identified what is your biggest threat: trawl fishing deep. This is the most destructive fishing practices and indiscriminate use of all that exists.


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