Monday, August 10, 2009

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games of mind-controlled future

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Many experts agree that in future there will be video games work only with the thought, but and to translate this into reality is what we try to imagine below.

recently saw a documentary on a subject could not move paralyzed arms or legs, but was implanted in the brain of a device could send signals to a computer by thought
and could move the mouse cursor, note that the precision was poor hard to make something like a circle, but it worked.
On another occasion I saw in the United States detectives try to uncover a murder suspect by sensors placed on the head, then I do see on TV images related to this crime and others not depending on the electrical responses produced by certain brain areas that are captured by sensors and translated into images on another monitor can tell whether the emotional response would coincide with the alleged murderer who lived firsthand the scene according to how your brain responds to these images.

have to see that besides being technologically feasible is entertaining or educational or something but serves to tendrĂ­ia no sense, I can not imagine games that are controlled solely by thought, if not accustomed to using their hands or simply not to imagine how would these games, in any case could be a combination or another element which is added to control physical movement, I can not think of many ideas, maybe I imagine a first person game where we control our movement hands (physical) but can use a power to shoot to look like a Xmen just thinking of firing action eyes (thought), but even so I imagine it would be difficult, but if it turns out we could train and eventually improve it, does that mean we will have mental control exercises by video games? the first game required to train the hand-mind coordination, the current go a little further and make us train the coordination arm, hands, fingers and other parts of our body and mind, but in future we will also have to coordinate relations are only in the mind as thought, emotion or conscious-subconscious (mind-mind), and require training and may be much more complicated than it seems.

already there are people who have lost limbs as a spare arm and have a robotic arm which is controlled by thought, will it be something like playing video games?, but think about the movement of an arm is probably more natural for our brains to shoot rays with the eyes that is something in the real world our brain does not know how to do it, maybe just think a certain word can send electric although this may betray the subconscious (maybe that's the fun ..)
also may have other games more focused on control our emotions, such as a video game that we get nervous if we lose power or if we win we welcome points.
The truth is that most experts agree that late Sooner or will that really happen but time estimate or describe these games now becomes very heroic.
Today there is already a foretaste of what will the future with the helmet COPD adjustable sensors that can be recognized by our brain signals and translate into orders, it is clear that just the beginning of this technology has much to overcome for be heavily used and unquestionably entertaining, but perhaps only a matter of time ..

If you got any idea how it could be some future video game controlled by the pensamienteo describe it in a comment.

cine futurista, videojuegos del futuro


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