Saturday, August 8, 2009

How Wide Are Berlin Woods

immortals "? Film

According to scientists it is possible to stop aging by making our cells do not stop playing (due to aging and degradation of the body), this would mean that future technology will enable much more human lives prolonged than at present, this course many questions arise:

  • "In the future if we do not suffer any accident or terminal illness, we can live indefinitely?
  • Does it mean that at the beginning only families with more money may have the technology or be rolled out quickly?
  • The thousands of years of evolution that we have prepared us mentally to cope with lives much longer than usual?
  • Given the global overpopulation: active regulation is needed by the state? Obviously

could continue with more questions but there are already enough of studying these questions, perhaps in the future is common to see people with 200 or more years, as human beings immortal today I can not imagine because of the fragility of the human body formed in a large percentage of water, consider the example of a person through biotechnology does have a body that does not age and is immune to all diseases but suddenly in an unexpected event receives a sharp blow you just break the head or drowning in the sea, it now seems impossible to be avoided through biotechnology. Think

human also lives much longer the uncertainty generated I think it could be a tool used only by the higher social classes, besides having these economic power much more important than the rest also the ability to live lives much longer, this is already the case today, we think that a person with a lot of money can have more expensive drugs or hospital services and a better best feed but obviously would generate a much larger gap, a gap between rich and poor that accentuate the physical plane much more than today.

As to whether we are prepared to live a long time I think so, most people who reach old age they would like to live for many years although they can accept death, but as long as the people we also surrounds us live many years but we would die to everyone we knew and did not think we're prepared for that.

Finally, I mention that I think the state should control and regulate future actively considering all these new technologies in the global overpopulation is growing exponentially and will be compounded if people live up much more, certainly I think the strict birth control by the state must be taken ever more seriously but inevitably the solution could be the opposite, something that no sensible wishes, the mass death of many humans and our planet is limited, Mars is very small and galactic floating stations space with thousands of people inhabiting it does not seem to be a very viable future ( at least 2009 and seems ).

There are many questions and loose ends yet, so your comments are welcome to continue discussing .

Technology 21


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