Saturday, August 15, 2009

Thermostate With Humidty

future humanoid robots in the future

A classic science fiction are the thousands of humanoid robots in the future, and I could name a thousand cases, but to me the most struck me was the film "Artificial Intelligence "where dealing with the issue of robots made in the likeness of humans in a manner the extreme. But maybe my question may sound strange to some but: Is it necessary in the future robots will be like us?

any technology that is over crowded and being accepted and used by all has to do with a mere function of that object technology useful to us, what would be the rationale for that in the future, robots have to think and look exactly like us?, one thing is that the technology could achieve such an act, which I'm sure it will be a matter of time because today there are prototypes sighting a future in which it is possible, but quite another thing is that perform massively for this would be a reason that people need to make robots like us and that's what I rusalta hard to believe it happens.
Take for example the classic example of "robot maid " a classic of science fiction, if what I want is a robot that I cook and I clean the house, do I need to look like a woman, or as a living being, or does the only thing people are going to matter is that a certain object has a technology that makes it right, period, regardless of both their appearance?, I prefer the second option .
Remember that often the science fiction stories that raise the rebellion machines against the humans in the future is based on robots that rebel look and think like humans and hence the human drive for freedom from oppression.
In my humble opinion I think that in future there may be several robots that can think like humans but only in certain circumstances (a robot that plays football and think like a footballer, it means a limited artficial intelligence that and look only and physically behave as such, one that gives us psychological therapy using artificial intelligence but in this case you need not look like a human, just think like that) and so very many robots with very different applications and many different aspects , Humanoid not necessarily in all cases and not a full artificial intelligence at all.

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