Saturday, October 23, 2010

Wedding Welcome Bag Note Wording

The future is a great place to work

The future is a great place to

Science [What Why? So] all that asked experts to future researchers Rohit Talwar (left) and his team in the future rapid screening to help imagine what the world of work will be like in 2020. What science and technology we use daily and what types of jobs could have as a result?
Rohit Tarwhal Sunday, January 31, 2010 00:00
Its limited distribution of news, sports updates and edited music for you is ready and updated in a high-powered smartphone with a 3D display that has completely replaced your laptop.
You are a nano-physician - a highly sought after specialist with a wide range of nanotechnology-based treatments, procedures and implants to treat their patients around the world. The evolution of hypersonic aircraft and maglev train services means it could be in New York and Helsinki, have surgery and be home in time to ask your daughter what she learned in class today or your virtual teacher.

Before we can have nano-medical, part of the body responsible for weather modification or the police, we need to develop the next generation of scientists, engineers and technicians. People who are specialists in the investment climate, surgeons increased memory and space pilots pharmers morning.

Rohit Talwar, chief executive of Fast Forward, describes (above) the importance of these innovations the future will be. By analyzing the fundamental science and technology developments that are working in leading laboratories and research centers worldwide, quick team have provided us in future science [So what? So all] with a well-documented vision of what the future could be. recent films such as "Avatar," Star Trek substitutes and offer us a vision of science fiction based on the future - the research helps us understand what actually might come true science in the next two decades. Talwar

research highlights how existing developments such as the Internet and smart phones will be increasingly integrated into our lives and shows the potential impact of radical innovations. These range from creating artificial intelligence that is smarter than humans Named The Singularity how ordinary citizens can participate in serious scientific research and development of personalized medicines.
recent films such as "Avatar," Star Trek substitutes and offer us a vision of science fiction based on the future - the research helps us understand what actually might come true science in the next two decades.
science and technology of the future will not only affect the way we live our lives and the work we do. Actually, it could help deepen our understanding of the origins of space and time and behavior of all matter. The Sigma Scan, a project Government Office for Science , suggests that such a unifying theory of everything could develop as early as 2030.
can find more information about 20 jobs in future dreams Form Working O Come download a PDF file that describes the 20 jobs.
If you are inspired by some of the future jobs mentioned in this article, a look at this article with tips on how to start a career science, technology, engineering and mathematics , Or download the pdf of a fact sheet career.
So with supersonic travel, personalized medicine and narrowcasts in mind, the future is looking bright!
If you are a parent or caregiver, can take a look at our ideas for parents and carers with young children and our tips for parents and carers with young and older children .

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Super Learning
The Learning Revolution

A concept designed to support parents and teachers with school education of children and youth.

In his lectures Super Learning shows future world scenarios based on analysis of current trends.

As will the company in the world of their children, how technology will radically change the environment in which they live and the opportunities already present from emergence of new areas for professional development.

Super Learning in their courses and talks shows you the world of your children, which is here and you have not seen, is a journey into the future, where you will see, everything that exists and is not yet in daily life will know how to impact their lives.

gives you the tools that allow you to be a better guide and use all available resources so that your child has an incredible future.

work is comprehensive, combining, science, technology, psychology, nutrition, society, neuroscience and the most effective techniques of super-learning, both in our introductory courses, like learning workshops for children, parents and teachers.

So Super Learning has both the talks to show you the world of your children and their incredible possibilities as you give through workshops knowledge of super-learning techniques, high performance and nutrition your children need to make the twenty-first century as a world full of opportunities.

All this is presented for the first time in Mexico and it's time to come with your children the future.

Super Learning supports parents and schools and for this reason the introductory workshop is free nationwide for the Exhibition *.


Super Learning
The Learning Revolution

* Travel, lodging, meals, room and projection equipment are borne by the host organization.
** Exhibition, and support donated by Super Learning

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Professions of the Future 15-20

Professions of the Future 15-20

E L object of education is to create beings capable of governing themselves, and not to be ruled by others.

Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) British writer

the following professions are strange but according to Science are likely, the exercise itself is interesting, because in our personal opinion, are support professions that will employ millions of people who are eligible, not the professions cited in the Science article itself.

15. Microdiffusion ( narrowcasters against broadcasters ) specialists who will work with producers and advertisers to create news, entertainment and information tailored to micro-audiences, including personal interests.
is simply spraying the market and create products that are marketable to specific audiences, this is possible in two ways, have large population captive local, regional, national or global level, and have clearly identified the preferences for these products are sold with a percentage of ad effectiveness of currently unknown levels.
16. Junk data controller. As we leave data and information about us on the computers and the sites where we operate, we need a safe way to dispose of this waste so that our identity can not be traced, altered or stolen.

is likely to be closer in terms of which are personal computers, however the garbage out of our teams in cyberspace, there is and that is to be rescued.
17. Organizing virtual mess. Managers to help us organize our lives in the electronic sphere. That would take care of our email, ensuring that our data is stored properly and manage our electronic passwords and profiles.

Very similar to the previous
see it more as a program, or intelligent than a profession, but now there is a virtual post office, we really manage what if it is ours, what is garbage, and keep us anonymous people or companies who now live to steal our email and have information about our habits of consumption. Perhaps the profession will create companies that manage to take what we send is not spam others and do not drag e-mail chains.

18. Broker time / commercial corridor of time accounts. The weather has always been a precious commodity, and indeed there are banks of time. But this may well have other uses and benefits, incorporated into a future market for alternative currencies that have their own ratings.

in the future will be the time value to be quoted and sold, how? perhaps according to time holding nations or individuals, its real productive value is somewhat abstract, but now there is talk of generational bonds, enter younger cheaper labor, let's talk about time, more time than their value but what time? uptime and quality that a person has. Then your agent will tell the teacher Hernandez has only 4 hours a week and the banks will sell more this time to pay for it.

19. Worker networks social. We may need social workers for people who may be traumatized and marginalized by social networks.

Every day social networks are very important in the life of the people, for those who believed that virtual reality does not affect the subject's life, there is bad news (for them) reality itself is virtual, that people can feel, whether through a computer and a discussion of coffee, love and engage in relationships as real as physical ones.
These networks show even more clearly how we and our tendencies, we often strip over what people think and more skeptical with the changes and bring new technologies, such as spaces of Second Life, where the interaction is deeper yet. These workers are already knocking on the door, and in part will be psychologists. communicators, and experts in virtual socialization.

20. Personal bests. This work would be an extension of the role of publicists and celebrity stylists. These specialists will work for anyone to create a personal brand, develop profiles through his blog, twitter .. identifying personal values with those who want to build your image, and by being consistent with his real life personality and goals.

This is what Science is the future, but the future looks even more fascinating when we see the great progress that already exist and are about to revolutionize the world.

That's why I invite you to know Super Learning and you know these trends and know which way you go your children and guide them properly.

Come Super Learning, The Learning Revolution.

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future jobs: Post jobs

future jobs: Avatar moderator

Saturday, January 23, 2010 00:00
Foto de dominio público teachers may not have completely virtual, however, but new advances in technology communications: the classroom walls are disappearing. Science for the teachers visited the University of Leicester, who are already developing a virtual environment to teach essential skills.
The department of genetics at the University of Leicester have developed a virtual laboratory where students can practice and laboratory standards of basic laboratory techniques, with a teacher as a virtual guide. Your virtual laboratory is constructed in the virtual reality environment Second Life online .

In Second Life, using an avatar (an animated character design and digital control) to interact with objects and spaces in the virtual landscape. Both teacher and students to use avatars. Dr. Suzanne Lavelle, who teaches biology at the University of Leicester shows how this technology can be used to teach students:

Transcript Video Avatar
moderator Life in a virtual classroom
In virtual classrooms, teachers can explain complex concepts visually and in the case of the University of Leicester, virtual lab, without the risk of costly and dangerous accidents in real laboratory.

The Open University, staff are also using Second Life to help make distance learning more personal, the OU has created a virtual campus, virtual rooms and resident student union bar.
If you are inspired by the work of the University of Leicester, check out our IT racing games and download design O careers tab .
If you are a parent or caregiver, can take a look at our ideas for parents and carers with young children and our tips for parents and carers with young and older children

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future jobs: vertical farmers

future jobs: vertical farmers

Thursday, January 21, 2010 00:00

Vertical farm Vertical hydroponic farm units in the skyscrapers of our cities could dramatically increase the food supply by 2020. At Paignton Zoo, which has built one of the first vertical farms in the world. Science [So what? So] all I met Catherine Mortimer, a gardener at the zoo, to know what it means to be a farmer's all vertical.
Farms vertical Paignton Zoo Environmental Park Paignton Zoo
Environmental Park has installed a vertical farm developed by Valcent (EU) based near Cornwall. The farm produces food for zoo animals in a special system that grows plants in trays stacked fed only by water, not soil or compost. This is called hydroponics . The water is mixed with exactly the right nutrients of crops need to thrive so that growth can be faster than conventional farming.

In the future managers of vertical farms, and Catherine (above), may come from agriculture or horticulture is not only, but also a wide range of scientific disciplines such as engineering and commerce.
The anticipated shortage of food to feed the world's population can lead to the installation of vertical farms, especially in cities where they provide food near where a large number of people live.
In many places, the water used for crop irrigation is becoming increasingly salty. Reflections TechCast predicts that in the decade of 2020 to 30% of the world's agricultural land will be contaminated salt water, which reduces the productivity of about 2 million hectares currently in human use. But it also predicts that TechCast nanofiltration technology that can remove salt is cheap enough to avoid a water crisis by 2024. Organic farming

farming techniques are also expected to be increasingly adopted by farmers current due to a combination of pressure from customers and regulatory control of chemical fertilizers for the year 2023. But at the same time, the expectation is that the needs of the world's population will lead to the adoption growing genetically modified (GM) food , particularly in developing countries. Career Information

If you are interested in becoming a potential future producer , Take a look at our article on joining careers in agriculture and horticulture: So you want to be a farmer vertical ?
You can also download the pdf of a fact sheet races.
If you are a parent or caregiver, can take a look at our ideas for parents and carers with young children and our tips for parents and carers with adolescents and older children .

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future jobs: Pharmer

future jobs: Pharmer

Friday, January 15, 2010 00:00
Foto por Magnus Manske One of the races of the [Science " what? So everything is] future jobs: what could I do? is pharmer that grow GM crops and livestock, not only produce food but also to produce drugs went to visit St. George's Medical School in London, and in this video, Professor Julian Ma and his team and genetically engineered plants to produce creams snuff for HIV infection.
Professor Ma objective is to change the genes of plants snuff so naturally produce drugs for diseases such as HIV / AIDS and tuberculosis. In this video, which explains the processes that he and his team used in their research.

pharmer Video Transcript
The science behind
pharmer Genetics is the study of genes. Together, these genes are like a set of instructions a living being used to build the proteins it needs. Sequence DNA one person has more than 20,000 genes. Genetic engineering is when the genetic code of an organism is directly changed by human intervention . Often, scientists like Professor Ma do this by inserting genes from a different type of organism in the organism's genetic code to be changed and, using a gene gun, a very small needle, or a bacteria or virus.
The future is now

If this sounds crazy, and scientists are using genetic engineering to produce wonderful things. Insulin for people with diabetes has been produced by genetically modified bacteria since 1978, and Gold Project rice has been the creation of rice fortified with vitamin A to help give people in the developing world a rice-based diet improved nutritional intake.
If you are inspired by the work of Professor Ma, check out our pharmacy career genetic Or download the form races.
If you are a parent or caregiver, can take a look at our ideas for parents and carers with young children and our tips for parents and carers with young and older children .

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moderator future: to develop alternatives to vehicles

jobs future: alternative vehicle developer

Friday, January 29, 2010 00:00
With the world oil supply depleted in the coming years and our love affair with the transport of persons has not declined, race to design, build and sell mass-produce low-power, low cars emissions. And we need people with a wide range of knowledge and skills to do so.
vehicles, such as Hugo Spowers, and are exploring many different technologies, not only for the engine, but for every part of the car. Driven by his passion for cars and for the environment, establish their association Hugo Riversimple to achieve its goal of building a zero emissions car.

Riversimple current prototype is a hydrogen fuel cell powered vehicle , which explains in the video, was built by a team brought together many different disciplines. Hugo
After studying engineering science at the University of Oxford, Hugo worked as a mechanic in an automobile engineer in London, which included the assembly of a racing car on a budget. He had been in the construction of cars in Formula Ford and joined a company that restores classic race cars to its concern about the environmental impact of the sport led him to change direction.
He began researching the cars of low carbon emissions. This included a master's degree in business Cranfield University, where he investigated how it could bring fuel cell cars hydrogen to the consumer market. This led him to Riversimple in 2001.
cars Hybrid cars and fuel cell vehicles using both electric motors to drive the wheels, batteries for energy storage and regenerative braking to conserve, as well as bodies and light chassis made of composite materials. Reflections TechCast estimates fuel cell cars will enter the commercial market in 2015, eventually creating global demand may several billion pounds.

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future professions 14

that imprints education is not what is done head to head, but heart to heart.
Howard G. Hendricks Intellectual and writer

alternative vehicles Developers

alternative vehicles Developers need designers and builders of the next generation of vehicles from materials and alternative fuels. Will become a reality in the next two decades, the dream of zero emissions vehicles, and even moving underwater or flying?

Who will build the parts? Are the services derived from these machines?

places to travel, materials for them, and all that these vehicles will take, are sources of new opportunities, software, method of sale, driving courses, fueling stations, few opportunities for new engineers, from all branches.

That is the future of your children, welcome to the XXI century.

Super Learning The Learning Revolution.

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Professions of the Future 14 Future 13

Professions future 13

Raising a child is not him learn something I did not know, but make it someone who does not exist.
John Ruskin (1819-1900) British writer, critic and

Avatars Manager / Virtual Teachers

Avatars Manager / Teacher Online. Intelligent avatars or virtual characters could be used to support or even replace teachers in the classroom. (Science)

Imagination allows for more, not only teachers, judges, doctors, insurance advisors.

Who designs? Who scheduled?

Not only is the avatar develop or manage it, is its design, program, virtual environment that supports it.

But if teachers or doctors could be replaced by these avatars, what would the real?
research, maintenance of these avatars, programming, writing books, reports, and supervise the work of their avatars.

The future work will no longer be so physical but more mental, supervise, decide, make decisions, be more freedom to think and move, not being subject to a particular site.

This is the world of your children, this is Super Learning ... Learning Revolution

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

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The teacher connected

Conectiv Making Education
View more documents from Edgar Altamirano.

Paper presented at SOMEC 2010

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Sunday, October 3, 2010

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The teacher connected to the city of Taxco

'm invited to give a talk to the teachers of senior high school (high school) in the city of Taxco. I thought this weekend to resolve the dilemma about how to focus the discussion. The idea had come from an article by Alec Couros and a Wendy Drexler where models are proposed for the teacher and the student connected, respectively. Consequently, my presentation would focus on the teacher online.
In the state where I live and work, there is generally a contempt on the part of teachers, especially top-level technology. Two years ago I was invited to a private university in a neighboring state to give a lecture on the use of virtual worlds in education. A teacher who taught the next conference to mine referred to my statement indicating that what we need in Mexico is not technology or the Internet, but classrooms, teachers and support for the development of the poorest regions where the basic problem is the income or lack of it. I understand your discomfort and anger that was likely referring to my work. This is a constant in my work as a teacher and promoter of technology. For example, a boy student rejected the work we did with students at a forum on scientific research to highlight angrily that in our university, students had no mobile phones, computers, Internet access and lived-enough-in student houses, ate in the dining halls, I did when I was a student, and had no right to investigate conditions and was these trends could not be applied in our country. The same complaint I've received from colleagues who say the lack of conditions to consider the use of technology in the classroom. "While there is a single student without conditions for the use of technology, you can not use in the classroom," said a close friend, now retired from teaching but strongly attached to traditional education, the teacher-student scheme or expert- ignorant-total-control of the educational processes of teaching and learning.
However, there is a visible and obvious counterpart. Or restless young teachers entering the use of technologies and include them in the classroom, especially in the high school level, and encourage their students to use blogs and access to Web services to share information. More than a year ago I decided then to change the discourse of "use of technology" by the synonym of "connective knowledge access", the word technology often leads to an initial block that inhibits any possibility of consideration on teachers. It is better to talk about how to bring global knowledge to the academic work through the Internet. How to access useful content, lectures, books, notes, exercises, discussions between teachers, educational experiences provided by teachers from other countries, dialogue, sharing is the central word this idea. Shared through the Internet.
is why now becomes relevant for clarification on the concepts VLE or PLE or PLN or teacher online. When you have the opportunity to address a group of teachers in service, one should be careful in speaking and offer our ideas on technology use in formal education in the most clear and direct as possible, to promote dialogue and understanding the importance of the use of connective knowledge in education today. Encourage the teacher is perhaps more important to motivate students. An online teacher can encourage and motivate students to search connected to the networks they already know and use their own education and achievement. An offline teaching trends unconsciously repress students to use technology. That is why I consider of vital importance to have clear and concrete ideas on the opportunities we have to talk with our peers, teachers in service, of any educational level.