Sunday, October 3, 2010

Plantronics Bluetooth Headset

The teacher connected to the city of Taxco

'm invited to give a talk to the teachers of senior high school (high school) in the city of Taxco. I thought this weekend to resolve the dilemma about how to focus the discussion. The idea had come from an article by Alec Couros and a Wendy Drexler where models are proposed for the teacher and the student connected, respectively. Consequently, my presentation would focus on the teacher online.
In the state where I live and work, there is generally a contempt on the part of teachers, especially top-level technology. Two years ago I was invited to a private university in a neighboring state to give a lecture on the use of virtual worlds in education. A teacher who taught the next conference to mine referred to my statement indicating that what we need in Mexico is not technology or the Internet, but classrooms, teachers and support for the development of the poorest regions where the basic problem is the income or lack of it. I understand your discomfort and anger that was likely referring to my work. This is a constant in my work as a teacher and promoter of technology. For example, a boy student rejected the work we did with students at a forum on scientific research to highlight angrily that in our university, students had no mobile phones, computers, Internet access and lived-enough-in student houses, ate in the dining halls, I did when I was a student, and had no right to investigate conditions and was these trends could not be applied in our country. The same complaint I've received from colleagues who say the lack of conditions to consider the use of technology in the classroom. "While there is a single student without conditions for the use of technology, you can not use in the classroom," said a close friend, now retired from teaching but strongly attached to traditional education, the teacher-student scheme or expert- ignorant-total-control of the educational processes of teaching and learning.
However, there is a visible and obvious counterpart. Or restless young teachers entering the use of technologies and include them in the classroom, especially in the high school level, and encourage their students to use blogs and access to Web services to share information. More than a year ago I decided then to change the discourse of "use of technology" by the synonym of "connective knowledge access", the word technology often leads to an initial block that inhibits any possibility of consideration on teachers. It is better to talk about how to bring global knowledge to the academic work through the Internet. How to access useful content, lectures, books, notes, exercises, discussions between teachers, educational experiences provided by teachers from other countries, dialogue, sharing is the central word this idea. Shared through the Internet.
is why now becomes relevant for clarification on the concepts VLE or PLE or PLN or teacher online. When you have the opportunity to address a group of teachers in service, one should be careful in speaking and offer our ideas on technology use in formal education in the most clear and direct as possible, to promote dialogue and understanding the importance of the use of connective knowledge in education today. Encourage the teacher is perhaps more important to motivate students. An online teacher can encourage and motivate students to search connected to the networks they already know and use their own education and achievement. An offline teaching trends unconsciously repress students to use technology. That is why I consider of vital importance to have clear and concrete ideas on the opportunities we have to talk with our peers, teachers in service, of any educational level.


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