Friday, January 29, 2010 00:00
With the world oil supply depleted in the coming years and our love affair with the transport of persons has not declined, race to design, build and sell mass-produce low-power, low cars emissions. And we need people with a wide range of knowledge and skills to do so.
vehicles, such as Hugo Spowers, and are exploring many different technologies, not only for the engine, but for every part of the car. Driven by his passion for cars and for the environment, establish their association Hugo Riversimple to achieve its goal of building a zero emissions car.

Riversimple current prototype is a hydrogen fuel cell powered vehicle , which explains in the video, was built by a team brought together many different disciplines. Hugo
After studying engineering science at the University of Oxford, Hugo worked as a mechanic in an automobile engineer in London, which included the assembly of a racing car on a budget. He had been in the construction of cars in Formula Ford and joined a company that restores classic race cars to its concern about the environmental impact of the sport led him to change direction.
He began researching the cars of low carbon emissions. This included a master's degree in business Cranfield University, where he investigated how it could bring fuel cell cars hydrogen to the consumer market. This led him to Riversimple in 2001.
cars Hybrid cars and fuel cell vehicles using both electric motors to drive the wheels, batteries for energy storage and regenerative braking to conserve, as well as bodies and light chassis made of composite materials. Reflections TechCast estimates fuel cell cars will enter the commercial market in 2015, eventually creating global demand may several billion pounds.