Science [What Why? So] all that asked experts to future researchers Rohit Talwar (left) and his team in the future rapid screening to help imagine what the world of work will be like in 2020. What science and technology we use daily and what types of jobs could have as a result?
Rohit Tarwhal Sunday, January 31, 2010 00:00
Its limited distribution of news, sports updates and edited music for you is ready and updated in a high-powered smartphone with a 3D display that has completely replaced your laptop.
You are a nano-physician - a highly sought after specialist with a wide range of nanotechnology-based treatments, procedures and implants to treat their patients around the world. The evolution of hypersonic aircraft and maglev train services means it could be in New York and Helsinki, have surgery and be home in time to ask your daughter what she learned in class today or your virtual teacher.

Before we can have nano-medical, part of the body responsible for weather modification or the police, we need to develop the next generation of scientists, engineers and technicians. People who are specialists in the investment climate, surgeons increased memory and space pilots pharmers morning.

Rohit Talwar, chief executive of Fast Forward, describes (above) the importance of these innovations the future will be. By analyzing the fundamental science and technology developments that are working in leading laboratories and research centers worldwide, quick team have provided us in future science [So what? So all] with a well-documented vision of what the future could be. recent films such as "Avatar," Star Trek substitutes and offer us a vision of science fiction based on the future - the research helps us understand what actually might come true science in the next two decades. Talwar

research highlights how existing developments such as the Internet and smart phones will be increasingly integrated into our lives and shows the potential impact of radical innovations. These range from creating artificial intelligence that is smarter than humans Named The Singularity how ordinary citizens can participate in serious scientific research and development of personalized medicines.
recent films such as "Avatar," Star Trek substitutes and offer us a vision of science fiction based on the future - the research helps us understand what actually might come true science in the next two decades.
science and technology of the future will not only affect the way we live our lives and the work we do. Actually, it could help deepen our understanding of the origins of space and time and behavior of all matter. The Sigma Scan, a project Government Office for Science , suggests that such a unifying theory of everything could develop as early as 2030.
can find more information about 20 jobs in future dreams Form Working O Come download a PDF file that describes the 20 jobs.
If you are inspired by some of the future jobs mentioned in this article, a look at this article with tips on how to start a career science, technology, engineering and mathematics , Or download the pdf of a fact sheet career.
So with supersonic travel, personalized medicine and narrowcasts in mind, the future is looking bright!
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