Saturday, November 20, 2010

Heal Scar After Mole Removal


Often when we think of cities in the future we envision increasingly superhabitadas mega cities where human beings use technology and science to increasingly build up (mega skyscrapers, runways ..). This is partly true because of the large population increase, we have been growing exponentially and can not think of a better solution in the future to control birth rates, but there's something we think, that the planet earth but 90% of the territory is uninhabited and oceans unless we have most of the land is uninhabited, this is due in large part to the industrial revolution was moving en masse rural people where they were dispersed to the city where they are piled up (to put it in some way), but today is seen as technological advances are driving this trend may be reversing, the science of telecommunications is a example, but think that in future many of the customs of the industrial age will be replaced by other rules of a society, a technology and a new science. People need not be all piled up to interact, work and communicate. The advances come in the architecture and science in the coming decades will allow the use of materials and construction techniques that allow more sophisticated live in places difficult to inhabit today.



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