Friday, November 5, 2010

Inventor 2008 For Sale

Connectivism in practice. Making Education

In college a student attends classes five different subjects simultaneously. To create a network of connections for each subject is complex, complicated and difficult. If you create a single environment for all subjects is equally complicated. Each semester, new subjects and received there for four or five years.
The student always has the feeling of wasting time by creating connections, which is a slow and difficult process. Understand that using the Internet can access a variety of sources of knowledge is something that baffles. The student is used to study a book text and some supplementary texts to pass each subject. Create a network seems pointless and time consuming.
The courses have a time limit to assimilate each topic. Assessments are scheduled on fixed dates, midterm and final. Do you assess learning? No. It assesses compliance with the goals proposed in each subject. A quantitative assessment of something that is qualitative learning. Does
then meaningless to talk about connectivism and connectivist education without breaking the existing educational structures? Are we talking about the emptiness of something that seems impractical or very very far away?


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