Saturday, January 29, 2011

Yellow Purple Wrestling Shoes

RSA Animate - Changing Paradigms

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Signs Scorpio Is Interested In You

Connectivism Education Higher Education Education in crisis

teach a course called Computer Seminar where students
I define a project that could be titling their work and are dedicated to
investigate and identify what could be his protocol
thesis or project title.

This course is attractive to explore the use of connectivism in
higher education. Students work from a personal network
learning and especially the use of personal blogs to describe their
progress in the exploration connectivist Internet.
use Facebook to keep as a group and share ideas and questions and try to promote
offline discussion on issues that children themselves pose
. Students also try to establish Internet connections with nodes
related to their subjects, that is, joining communities of interest and participate
as far as possible in learning and
discussion of topics related to their research.

These connections may be freely on social networks like Facebook,
LinkedIn, Ning, Blog, Twitter, Slideshare, video sharing sites,
images, audio, notes, and links to research centers,
universities, associations, Scientific journals and more.
Each student is discharged on a different site Wikispaces
links to resources and communities where it is present, for example
links to your blog, twitter account, videos and more. The Wiki site serves as the heart of the course
with links to all users and is open to any person outside
the course can sign up and participate.

The student activities Facebook reports weekly to the
advisor to monitor personal activities.
In the classroom we discussed problems encountered and difficulties
development work. A key purpose of the
classroom is the presentation progress and group discussion
them. The student has the progress of what he has accomplished during the week
and colleagues and I discussed and asked.

At the end of the course and based on Wendy Drexler video called "The student
connected" every student takes a video summarizing how your work has developed
. Besides the above, we teach
use Google Reader to keep track of individual connections
blogs and sites that enable RSS. Disadvantages


We are learning to use an approach
connectivist higher education, we seek to implement connectivist principles enunciated by Stephen Downes
to generate connective knowledge: Autonomy, Diversity, Openness and Interactivity
/ connectivity, both onsite and online.
However I can not take any satisfaction, students, other teachers
(each student takes 5 courses simultaneously) and educational practice
on campus (the practice of obedience: the student follows the teacher and the teacher due to
academic authorities)
so ingrained in our education, is reflected in the passivity of students
obey orders and work under pressure, study to pass exams and do not seem to have
desire to learn. If not required, no work, if not push, do not investigate, if applied
assessments, not study. If I release,
forget my course and attend other courses where each teacher usually
pressuring students too much homework and so evaluations
my work but I try to motivate and stress causes
not even attend to classes because they have nothing to say, did not develop
little or nothing and are convinced they have done well if the teacher what
reviewed before being developed.

This has provoked in me a motivation to promote an activity that I
known as "The teacher connected" to promote
that teachers at any level in education using the Internet and a little
cede control of teaching practice to let students have freedom to exercise
autonomy, diversity and openness in their training.
is very difficult to convince a guy that takes years and years practicing the
passivity and obedience training practice and also teachers teaching using instructional
controlling all
attitudes and learning processes in their students.

What alternatives should I consider to insist connectivist
practice in the future?

Friday, January 21, 2011

Rash On Face Only Accute Hiv

More than knowledge and learning

Every day we learn more and understand less.
Albert Einstein (1879-1955) German Scientific American citizen.
Super Learning, is responsible for teaching more than just super-learning techniques, your job is to show that the twenty-first century parents have at their disposal all the tools to guide their children successfully.

Never before has the resources are available and in a simple and accessible.

Super Learning, leads to the future that they (their children) live in all its aspects.

Food, technology, science, society and education.

The importance of our work is to show the changes in a comprehensive manner, making parents understand the power their active participation.

Its role goes beyond providing education to take their children to school, and for the first time in the history of society, have to learn about the world of their children and understand them, because they are the first digital generation in history and that means much more than just technology.

The speed of change is such that parents without realizing it, are moving farther and farther from the reality of their children, and need not rely on his experience that is no longer useful but a map of the future to make them understand where to go and how to guide them.

That is the role of Super Learning, and is a worldwide effort that began with Dr. Jeannette Vos when I launch the Learning Revolution in 1997 under the same principles and has taken the best practices at world.

Today we have taken the flag for Mexico, updating all the tools and knowledge to contextualize our country, our world and the first decade of the century 21.

Super Learning shows them how will the world within 10 years through technological trends, social, spiritual, economic, educational and science and health.

Build scenarios to see what world they live and how parents can guide them successfully.

The difference between understanding these changes and do not value them, you can leave behind a guy with similar education to another with a margin of 30 to 40 years.

So our effort is integral, guides parents support the efforts of teachers and super-learning advanced techniques for access to all knowledge that will support future career development.

So we invite you to Super Learning , L a Learning Revolution

@ SuperLearningMx

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Baby Straight Shotacon

Sexual Revolution Real Threat to Your Children

know the love of those we love is the fire that fuels life.

Pablo Neruda (1904-1973) Chilean poet
Speed of Information leaves the boys out of opportunities to grow and mature in a healthy manner.

Sometimes parents wonder why children are restless and much, much information is received, but what is happening with all information?, Is simple, is misunderstood and generating opposite effect sought.

Although some say that the media did not produce anything in children, and it is the responsibility of parents, the truth is that nobody can hide your hand after throwing the stone, schedules proposals and fashion is poison to children who do not have the support, guidance and communication with parents.

Novels that kids awaken feelings or desires that no one who can channel, kissing children 12 years and experiencing things through the screen gives the impression and it is not normal.

boys in the past 12 years since they married and formed a family, it was a normal occurrence, because infant mortality was high and short life expectancy, then progress made the need to delay this process was necessary to give them an education and train them to be productive, to wound to the present day where couples marry after 30.

Birth rates have come down, and the need to extend processes to form a family and methods of fertility control became necessary.

Unfortunately became a market of pleasure, sex for pleasure, and the market of adults was not enough, now encourages children almost teenagers, television products showing a normal manner, the relations of young couples kissing, and the next program and stronger scenes, confusing to the guys who carried his body to where this is ask.

Parents talk of them care advice and even give them condoms, when the most important are the values, when and how to responsibly use their body, what is the value of a caress, to whom or why.

public policies talk about condom use, but this is the last step before Why use.

Who speaks of love? Values, family, respect, the purpose of an engagement among adolescents, are absent.

The speed of this revolution has left parents unarmed, the children know more than they, and their parents have taken the easy way, you are normal, more comfortable, it is easier.

The future does not bode well, if pleasure were to occupy a more important in our lives, nature would not only small moments reserved for him.

The sexual revolution is not in the techniques, toys, and others, but in the evolutionary leap that means reassessing the human condition and thinking of people, and take advantage of everything technology and scientific advance offers to lead fuller lives and happy lives and not sustained by the easy pleasure and degradation of the person to a mere object of sexual pleasure.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Cover Letter Sales Indepentant

The speed changes Opportunity or Threat?

Imperceptible for speed changes in the values \u200b\u200bcould generate a world so unknown to us it would be impossible to guide our children.
changes or trends that have been presenting are away to future generations the values \u200b\u200bthat allowed us to build a civilization and species. Tthe
History has shown that when companies go beyond these limits began its decline and destruction.

is not the first time in human history, the unveiling, the excesses, open homosexuality, and excessive information to young people has been presented stories, legends and records so marked.
Greece, Rome, France, or Sodom and Gomorrah somo passages the quote.

is not shocked, but analyzing the real convenience for them, and finally found that simply due to commercial issues, dissemination of sexuality open to all ages, is nothing more than a business, sex games, publications, pornography, there are more than good literature, or counseling for the boys.

question is weighted more than the physical, values \u200b\u200band orientation to the love that sexuality itself would cause. Moreover
business open sexuality, pleasure, without value by the other rather than as an object of pleasure.

Peer relationships in gender is the same situation, and not because they exercise their rights to life who so desire, but because leading others who do not have these tendencies to confusion and in many cases the assumption benefit ends in degeneration of the values \u200b\u200bthemselves.

Everything is a business that could become a future full of opportunities in the future gray and devoid of order and values.

communication of parents with children, sharing activities and experiences of life, and having a real project for them is something that can prevent children from being dragged into a stream that could be away from their own dreams.

Come Super Learning
The World of Your Children.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Mirror Seating Chart For Wedding Reception

Father, guide, talent and success. We're also on Facebook

Father, guide, talent and success.

One test of leadership is the ability to recognize a problem before it becomes an emergency

Arnold H. Glasow

a child's success is determined by three things, naturally possesses the talent, discipline and the right environment for you to develop . The latter is a subject neglected by parents.

Recent studies have shown that children genius based largely on three factors development.

In this century the ability to make decisions, be innovative, creative and enterprising make the difference between a young man with great opportunity and one not.

not matter specialty school and having young people in the future, but their ability to solve problems and have total conviction in what they do, passion, love, dedication.

Educating for talent becomes a must for today's parents, but What is that?

time ago a teenager once began to write poems to the girl he liked, he would have about 12 years, one day his older brother found them and read them to lunch, ridicule before all , so one day hid inside a plastic bag in a closet, his mother found them and without knowing the shot away.

He seemed an irrelevant fact, if value, but years later someone told him he had a talent for poetry and participated successfully in competitions, but the poetry was only as a hobby, What would have been educated by talent?

If your mother had understood what was meant by that pile of leaves, it might have encouraged his son to keep writing, first by touching emotional (verbal praise and approval) and then searching along with he specialized courses, reading books and following him without invading their development, leading through support.

Same case happens with kids who like music, dance, painting or sculpture, the father's role is to motivate first, then go with him to concerts and exhibitions, if the guy you want, enroll in courses, it develops talent and he is excited it is likely that this is their way and be successful, not rich, not necessarily famous, but happy and full.

the same way if your son wants to be an engineer or doctor, you should encourage it, hear, chat in the table on these issues, its progress, go to meetings with him, create you the necessary environment so that he can develop.

not enough to pay a good school, take him to karate or dance, filling it with games or send abroad, you should grow your hand, share their dreams, walk a little way with him until he undertakes his flight safe, comfortable and happy.

S. Martin Arellano

Super Learning
The Learning Revolution.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Gay Cruising On Long Island Ny

few days ago in a cafe City Center met an old friend
University, which always gives me pleasure that I greet and
faithful to the old habit of buying a morning newspaper and read it in a
Café. "Education is in Crisis?" Ask me without me wondering.
And his answer. "Education is not in crisis, we are better than
before, now education is obviously much better than in the past."

My friend is a person of value and recognized in the University
someone whom one is always proud to know and estimate. She currently teaches a graduate class
and does it the old fashioned way: it ignores the Internet and
support its valuable work in instructional design and the imposition of
learning methods and content.

live in the province where it is a constant in all educational levels,
from pre-school through graduate school, including computer software and computing
public and private schools. We appear to live isolated
the contemporary world and our educational system remains based on obedience, enforcement and the division of knowledge into subjects.

"Education is in crisis? Education has always been in crisis. And especially now, does not meet the training needs of learning and knowledge of future citizens in the contemporary world. We can not continue to impose what students should learn, when, where, how, what level of depth, what to read, what to study, what sources of information access and to top it decided to evaluate their learning in a ridiculous and meaningless.

What is in crisis now is the education system, the apparatus of education, the division of knowledge into closed courses, teacher training, teaching methods, the reforms "educational" role of teachers, governments, the capitalist system, the organization of the world into the economy based global powers and duties, "order" worldwide, maintaining unfair billion people in abject poverty, without literacy, food, or any future for the rest of their precarious existence.

Meanwhile, students continue bored thousands of hours sitting passively in the classroom, or simulating obedience obey teachers studying to pass exams and get a paper that means nothing, waiting to complete school life to start learning, maybe already too late.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Inspirational Hispanics

World Come to Your Children

Now Super Learning is for everyone on Facebook, come and look accesses S Learning and find articles with the issues you need to know, education, science, cnologia you, to help you encourage your children in this century.

Super Learning is not only the learning revolution, with the latest techniques in learning, is also the world of your children, with all those issues that have to do with their education, values , nutrition and sexuality.
Come and learn more.

Super Learning.
The Learning Revolution.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

2003 Chevy Silverado Off Roadtires And Wheels

my expectations in the Course LAK11

I am Enrolled in the course LAK11: Introduction to Learning and Knowledge Analytics. This is an open
course Offered by the Technology Enhanced Knowledge Research Institute
(TEKRI) at Athabasca University facilitated by:

George Siemens (TEKRI, Athabasca University)
Jon Dron (SCIS, Athabasca University)
Dave Cormier (University of Prince Edward Island)
Tanya Elias (Athabasca University)
Silvia Currie (BCcampus)

The Course is intended for professional development and to raise awareness of the role that analytics can play in education, learning and development, and organizational information flows.

LAK11 is As an introductory course, faculty, administrators, grad students, learning and development professionals, and organizational leaders will benefit from the topics and concepts covered.
While not a prerequisite, participants will benefit some level of existing familiarity with the internet and social, particularly in particularly with synchronous and asynchronous technologies for communicating and sharing information. As an interactive open course, participants will benefit most by offering contributions, ideas, suggestions in course Moodle forums, live
sessions, or on their blogs.

This Course will be offered from January 10 – February 20, 2011. More Information here:

What are my expectations of learning in this Course?

First, to gain a clear idea about learning and knowledge analytics, their relevance and influence in the future of learning, how we can survive to the growth of information in an Internet era and how filtrating useful information from an enormous silo of data.

Second, I am worried about the concepts of human knowledge and knowledge from artifacts like networks, machine and software.
I believe we are initiating mixing of many kinds of "knowledge" and information, from nature to machine in our brains as natural extentions of human beings. So, we must differentiate clearly in this time about knowledge from artifacts in Internet and human knowledge for give structure to their optimal use in our digital societies.

Third,I have uncertain expectations in LAK11, it is like a sea full of perls and I hope to catch several Useful Things for My wish of learning more about the nature of Knowledge in an Internet era.

With my best wishes to my friends and future friends, I pray for you to Have a wonderful year 2011.