Friday, January 7, 2011

Mirror Seating Chart For Wedding Reception

Father, guide, talent and success. We're also on Facebook

Father, guide, talent and success.

One test of leadership is the ability to recognize a problem before it becomes an emergency

Arnold H. Glasow

a child's success is determined by three things, naturally possesses the talent, discipline and the right environment for you to develop . The latter is a subject neglected by parents.

Recent studies have shown that children genius based largely on three factors development.

In this century the ability to make decisions, be innovative, creative and enterprising make the difference between a young man with great opportunity and one not.

not matter specialty school and having young people in the future, but their ability to solve problems and have total conviction in what they do, passion, love, dedication.

Educating for talent becomes a must for today's parents, but What is that?

time ago a teenager once began to write poems to the girl he liked, he would have about 12 years, one day his older brother found them and read them to lunch, ridicule before all , so one day hid inside a plastic bag in a closet, his mother found them and without knowing the shot away.

He seemed an irrelevant fact, if value, but years later someone told him he had a talent for poetry and participated successfully in competitions, but the poetry was only as a hobby, What would have been educated by talent?

If your mother had understood what was meant by that pile of leaves, it might have encouraged his son to keep writing, first by touching emotional (verbal praise and approval) and then searching along with he specialized courses, reading books and following him without invading their development, leading through support.

Same case happens with kids who like music, dance, painting or sculpture, the father's role is to motivate first, then go with him to concerts and exhibitions, if the guy you want, enroll in courses, it develops talent and he is excited it is likely that this is their way and be successful, not rich, not necessarily famous, but happy and full.

the same way if your son wants to be an engineer or doctor, you should encourage it, hear, chat in the table on these issues, its progress, go to meetings with him, create you the necessary environment so that he can develop.

not enough to pay a good school, take him to karate or dance, filling it with games or send abroad, you should grow your hand, share their dreams, walk a little way with him until he undertakes his flight safe, comfortable and happy.

S. Martin Arellano

Super Learning
The Learning Revolution.


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