Thursday, January 13, 2011

Cover Letter Sales Indepentant

The speed changes Opportunity or Threat?

Imperceptible for speed changes in the values \u200b\u200bcould generate a world so unknown to us it would be impossible to guide our children.
changes or trends that have been presenting are away to future generations the values \u200b\u200bthat allowed us to build a civilization and species. Tthe
History has shown that when companies go beyond these limits began its decline and destruction.

is not the first time in human history, the unveiling, the excesses, open homosexuality, and excessive information to young people has been presented stories, legends and records so marked.
Greece, Rome, France, or Sodom and Gomorrah somo passages the quote.

is not shocked, but analyzing the real convenience for them, and finally found that simply due to commercial issues, dissemination of sexuality open to all ages, is nothing more than a business, sex games, publications, pornography, there are more than good literature, or counseling for the boys.

question is weighted more than the physical, values \u200b\u200band orientation to the love that sexuality itself would cause. Moreover
business open sexuality, pleasure, without value by the other rather than as an object of pleasure.

Peer relationships in gender is the same situation, and not because they exercise their rights to life who so desire, but because leading others who do not have these tendencies to confusion and in many cases the assumption benefit ends in degeneration of the values \u200b\u200bthemselves.

Everything is a business that could become a future full of opportunities in the future gray and devoid of order and values.

communication of parents with children, sharing activities and experiences of life, and having a real project for them is something that can prevent children from being dragged into a stream that could be away from their own dreams.

Come Super Learning
The World of Your Children.


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