Thursday, January 20, 2011

Baby Straight Shotacon

Sexual Revolution Real Threat to Your Children

know the love of those we love is the fire that fuels life.

Pablo Neruda (1904-1973) Chilean poet
Speed of Information leaves the boys out of opportunities to grow and mature in a healthy manner.

Sometimes parents wonder why children are restless and much, much information is received, but what is happening with all information?, Is simple, is misunderstood and generating opposite effect sought.

Although some say that the media did not produce anything in children, and it is the responsibility of parents, the truth is that nobody can hide your hand after throwing the stone, schedules proposals and fashion is poison to children who do not have the support, guidance and communication with parents.

Novels that kids awaken feelings or desires that no one who can channel, kissing children 12 years and experiencing things through the screen gives the impression and it is not normal.

boys in the past 12 years since they married and formed a family, it was a normal occurrence, because infant mortality was high and short life expectancy, then progress made the need to delay this process was necessary to give them an education and train them to be productive, to wound to the present day where couples marry after 30.

Birth rates have come down, and the need to extend processes to form a family and methods of fertility control became necessary.

Unfortunately became a market of pleasure, sex for pleasure, and the market of adults was not enough, now encourages children almost teenagers, television products showing a normal manner, the relations of young couples kissing, and the next program and stronger scenes, confusing to the guys who carried his body to where this is ask.

Parents talk of them care advice and even give them condoms, when the most important are the values, when and how to responsibly use their body, what is the value of a caress, to whom or why.

public policies talk about condom use, but this is the last step before Why use.

Who speaks of love? Values, family, respect, the purpose of an engagement among adolescents, are absent.

The speed of this revolution has left parents unarmed, the children know more than they, and their parents have taken the easy way, you are normal, more comfortable, it is easier.

The future does not bode well, if pleasure were to occupy a more important in our lives, nature would not only small moments reserved for him.

The sexual revolution is not in the techniques, toys, and others, but in the evolutionary leap that means reassessing the human condition and thinking of people, and take advantage of everything technology and scientific advance offers to lead fuller lives and happy lives and not sustained by the easy pleasure and degradation of the person to a mere object of sexual pleasure.


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