Monday, September 6, 2010

Can I Use Mi Paste With Braces?

Connective Knowledge: Write a personal presentation essential

Edgar Altamirano Carmona
I am originally from the city of Jojutla in the state of Morelos (Mexico). I studied a degree in Civil Engineering which started in the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and concluded at the University of Guerrero (UAG) where he worked as a teacher-researcher at the Academic Unit of Mathematics. I studied MA and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering specializing in Computer Research Center and Advanced Studies of National Polytechnic Institute (CINVESTAV-IPN). My thesis for the degree of Master of Science was to develop a program to generate I called as expert systems gser (Generator of Expert Systems with Approximate Reasoning) based on fuzzy logic. My Ph.D. thesis I developed at the Institute of Artificial Intelligence Research National Research Council (IIIA-CSIC) in Barcelona, Spain. The title of my PhD thesis was: On Non-clausal Horn-like satisfiability Problems. My PhD work was devoted to show that there are various kinds of non-clausal formulas which are strictly linear in the case of propositional logic and quasi-linear in the case of multivalued logic. Work
Autonomous University of Guerrero since 1980, first as assistant professor in the Faculty of Engineering, then as a teacher and now as a teacher-researcher at the Academic Unit of Mathematics. At the University I have taught over 20 different courses in the areas of Mathematics and Computer Science. I have also taught courses in the two Masters degrees in Computer that exist in the University and managed some of theses both undergraduate and postgraduate (Masters). He made more than twenty publications in various congresses in Spain, Cuba, Colombia, France, UK, USA and Mexico. I recently
do research connectivist learning theory and their integration into formal education (classroom).
Moreover, in my personal life I played football in several amateur teams throughout my steps as a student. I write poetry and when I have chance to see art films, read books on history, biography, novels in addition to books and scientific publications that have to do with my work. I have a scooter, a bicycle, an electric guitar and I am fond of jazz, rock, classical, blues, and others.
addition to my PhD thesis which was published in English in the IIIA-CSIC in Spain have published a book of poetry in Mexico and I have another one ready for publication. Currently I combine my literary work with teaching, research and toured a circuit of poets reading and participated in conferences and as virtual and guest lecturer at several schools in Mexico and other countries.


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