Monday, September 20, 2010

How Long Does It Take For Bruised Eyeball To Heal

Delivering educational content

"Teachers can continue to rely on content delivery strategy in the classroom to develop education?

If we peer into the classrooms of public education, which is the development environment where my work as a teacher, we could verify that the common denominator in the teaching is just that: the transmission of content, the teaching relationship (expert) with students (apprentices), a one to many, one way to learning effects. The teacher asks the questions that students must answer in terms that the teacher considers proper, including the use of vocabulary.
Two of my nephews, one in middle school and another in higher education each have about a thousand friends on Facebook, nearly all of the same age and with whom socialize content and ideas, discuss and participate in collective activities of mutual interest. Teachers usually ignore this kind of activities that the children practice daily.
can be found in our Mexican province, some teachers who include some type of activity immersive knowledge and learning outside the classroom, both online and in the real context of everyday life.

Why the teacher continues to teach as if there were no Internet, as continuing reality that we left behind in the last century?

The average teacher ignores the training opportunities provided by the Internet because they know these exist, is not connected in a useful sense, has no interest in getting closer to an activity that causes uncertainty, mistrust, bureaucratic complications of routine that has become formal education, he maintains, as pointed out by some psychologists, a mental block the use of technologies and prefer to carry out their work as he has been trained in its path as a student. I remember the words of a jury in doctoral examination in education: "Your turn to do for others, in the same way that the teachers did for you."

A clearly visible clash between students and teachers, different behaviors are related to different forms of communication and social interaction. The problem is that students do NOT use technology to shape their learning, but to socialize with their peers, "if the teacher is not connected, the student will be really hard wired", despite the intensive and extensive use it makes of Internet technologies. Since

gradually incorporating technology in formal education in the world is moving like a ghost silent but overwhelming, teachers should be concerned "upgrade or die" to adapt to technological means, which is not really complicated.

is a simple approach I mention these points I myself applied in classrooms at the University of Guerrero:

1. To create and promote students and teachers themselves, the creation of an own "Personal Learning Network" or "Personal Learning Environment."

2. Learning to use blogs, Twitter, Facebook or other social networking tools, Google, Delicious, and tools to share videos, audios, articles, slides.

3. During the course using these tools of the previous paragraph to develop your personal network by which it will access the knowledge resources of interest.

These three activities can be systematically applied in the classroom.


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