Saturday, September 4, 2010

Difference Asd Versus Pfo


I just returned from a workshop on the strengthening and consolidation of academic bodies of the University of Guerrero. In short, authoritarianism and the pyramidal structure of education treats students, teachers and researchers with the same yardstick: from desktops decide what to investigate, with whom we work and collaborate, how, when, why, in where, how, etc. Practically prohibits individual research will not be recognized. Imposing conditions, red tape, carefully spread our work time as if we were automatons, as if we had no emotions and feelings, as if we have a life.

Researchers must package it in academic bodies and work together, decide on a single line of research and guide our work by looking for scores to increase our numerical indicators that will give us access to recognition and support to continue this vicious cycle. Instead of recognizing our needs as researchers to support or influence in improving our work, we become objects of study of the authorities to decide on us like puppets.

Just as the discourse of Victorian students in the UK to say in their graduation ceremony the students' main objective should be to leave school as soon as possible because of the inaction and disagreement with reality becomes an obstacle rather than a motivator to learn, I am also motivated me to retire from the university and is an obstacle to develop studies and research on innovation in education and the future of both companies and I'm passionate about hope and faith filled in life.


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