Thursday, September 2, 2010

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The future is here sent to the XV Forum Summary of Studies on Guerrero (Mexico)

connective knowledge integration in formal education. INTRODUCTION

With the advent of the Internet, informal education has become a significant part
training of future professionals. The knowledge that can be accessed on the Internet is
far superior to that lies in the educational institutions and is necessary to recognize its existence
and incorporated into formal education. The integration of technology in education
is among the major obstacles to be overcome, the lack of technology training and educational
traditional practices of both teachers and students, and administrations,
inherently conservative and resistant to innovate effectively in education.

Access to knowledge distributed on the Internet can be accomplished by
two alternatives: 1) Direct integration, maintaining the traditional pedagogical methods and using the
Information Technology and Communication to access distributed knowledge sources accessible via the Internet
to facilitate and improve the academic training of students and teachers
, and 2) Integration connectivist, is an innovative approach based on the principles fundamental
connectivist learning theory proposed by George Siemens and Stephen Downes in order
recognize the existence and relevance of knowledge and focus connective
control of learning in students advised by teachers who would take now
roles as facilitators of learning rather than transmitters of content, as has been happening
traditional education even before the advent of the Internet.

Make a proposal to integrate the knowledge connective
university education classroom. This proposal would have two main components: one for the role of teachers and
one for the role of the student identified as the teacher and students online. The
proposal has been implemented in Mathematics Academic Unit, Chilpancingo
campus of the Autonomous University of Guerrero in addition to various courses in the program's academic
degree in Mathematics.

• Analyze connectivist theory of learning (Siemens, 2005a and 2005b) to identify the necessary key
to carry out an education based on the principles connectivist.
• Study the teaching model online (Cour, 2008) to suit the needs and possibilities
formal education at the Autonomous University of Guerrero.
• Study the online student model (Drexler, 2010), make a proposal and bring it into practice
to analyze its operational viability.

In Mathematics Academic Unit have been conducting theoretical and practical
about the integration of Internet technology in university classrooms in order to access the
informal knowledge accessible through technological means.
The results of these proposals have been implemented in addition to the following subjects: Mathematics
-Logic (2009) (Mexico-Colombia)
-Artificial Intelligence (2010 - 1) (Mexico-Colombia)
-New technologies Internet (2010 - 2) (Mexico)
Using Internet technology we have been carrying out collaborative work with the University
Distrital Francisco José de Caldas de Bogotá, Colombia by Nelson Becerra Correa
professor who teaches the subjects Mathematical Logic and Artificial Intelligence,
same content taught to similar in the Academic Unit of Mathematics,
so that through the use of technologies to communicate with students from Mexico to Colombia
to influence the formation of learning communities of Latin American. In this process
recently joined the Academic Unit of Engineering at
through Master Eric Rodriguez, a professor of computer engineering program for video sessions
Mexico-Colombia lectures given by the three teachers who are in charge of these courses .
In the current semester (August-2010 January-2011) is taught in the Academic Unit of Mathematical
a workshop on Emerging Technologies Internet, which incorporate and apply the models
online teacher and student to study and implement the learning process
connectivist vision. DISCUSSION

In Downes (2007) identified four elements necessary to form a connective knowledge: autonomy, diversity, openness and interactivity / connectivity.
• Autonomy. Each individual connected must make their own decisions in all matters
compete with its participation in the network, including platforms and tools used to
• Diversity. The diversity of opinions, cultures, languages, history, physical spaces,
personal interests, is a desirable element to interactivity
really productive.
• Opening. An important trend is the open Internet.
open content knowledge and participation of individuals in the discussion and generation of free knowledge.
• Interactivity and connectivity. The interaction can generate new knowledge, useful. This
knowledge is produced by the community, it is owned by one person, is
what extent the presence of these elements is needed to identify a connective
knowledge? A course orientation should incorporate these elements connectivist in the development of the subject at
through use of technologies such as: forming a personal network Internet learning
made by public blogs, social networking and microblogging
information sharing through public bookmarks, encourage collaboration and discussion and the use of other emerging technologies like software
staff for access to video conferencing, using the tools provided by Google Docs
and sharing of audiovisual material (audio, video and images),
conducting collaborative work based technology and Wikis Google Docs, and others.

Couros, A. (2008). What does the network mean to you? Open thinking, 25 February. [consultado el 8
de Junio de 2010]

Downes, Stephen (2007), An Introduction to Connective Knowledge, in Hug, Theo (ed.): Media,
Knowledge & Education - Exploring new Spaces, Relations and Dynamics in Digital Media Ecologies.
Proceedings of the International Conference, June 25-26, 2007.

Drexler, Wendy (2010), The networked student model for construction of personal learning
environments: Balancing teacher control and student autonomy, Australasian Journal of Educational
Technology, 26(3), 369-385,

Siemens, George (2005a), A learning theory for the digital age, Instructional Technology and Distance
Education, 2(1), 3-10.

Siemens, George (2005b), What is the unique idea in Connectivism?,, consultado el 5 de junio de 2010.


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