Sunday, September 5, 2010

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Are teachers ?

In one of the talks with some colleagues came the comment that each course there are always guys with distinctive abilities to learn, they learn the content does not matter if the teacher in turn is good or bad, know or do not teach in a way, have a distinctive intelligence.
The opposite also occurs. For some students have trouble-much-keep up with the others. This is normal, colleagues said.
Recalling my own past as a student, I understand that I was one of the most gifted and ambitious to learn. I liked to find issues of content to call my attention to delve into them, a passion for learning. Since I became a university professor have been noting this fact. The diversity the ability to learn from the students I've had. Always some obtained the highest marks, others the lowest and most get evaluations.
seems that regardless of the skill and dedication of teachers, students learn by themselves and not because their teachers have got them to learn the course content. I remember vividly a partner who apodábamos "sage" who always got the best grades. This is evidence that learning ability is basically in the students and not the ability to teach. Sage would always be the best regardless of the teachers we had in charge.
So why insist on teaching methods, learning control, authoritarian, dictatorial, understanding students as objects, puppets or automatons own life, needs, motivations, aspirations and desires as any human being? Students as objects of study to impose learning what education authorities decide on the desktop.
is why reforms and reforms to the reforms did not end up never work because they start from a wrong provision. "Teaching", "Education", "evaluate", "Train", "indoctrinate." Now, in universities, education authorities are on teachers and researchers with the same situation. Both students, teachers and researchers affiliated with the educational systems are victims of a wrong provision. Offenders are also their own victims.


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