Friday, December 31, 2010

Tanning Cream For Men

Human Knowledge and understanding of networks and devices

One of the main assertions of connectivism is the assumption that knowledge resides not only in individuals but also in networks. This is not a new concept but an idea that is irritating to the cognitivist in the sense that only the individual is an entity knowable, the only one capable of retaining knowledge because knowledge is characteristic of humans.
Knowledge is property of nature. Plants retain the knowledge needed to grow and survive. The animals, all living retains a self-knowledge that allows just that, life. With the advent and explosion of man-made devices, robots, autonomous machines, expert systems, virtual appliances, neural networks, genetic algorithms, artificial intelligence, knowledge has been understood and accepted as such. The artifacts have intelligence, knowledge and own sense of self, created by man, but essentially different from the intelligence, knowledge and common sense of humans.
is needed to understand concepts that change rapidly over time, what is knowledge in robots? Knowledge bases in computer architecture and meanings evolve. Internet networks so far. What is knowledge of networks? men and artifacts began to interact on the Internet and networks must be able to differentiate between: men and artifacts. But knowledge is mixed with artificial human knowledge. And both the artifacts and individuals can take and use that knowledge. That apparently is the future awaits us. But the study connectivist
connectivism undifferentiated human knowledge of knowledge of the artifacts present in the networks. This attitude is more confusing than helpful. The networks themselves, retain and generate knowledge, knowledge themselves and knowledge of the environment and perhaps knowledge external to the same networks. Must study, understand and assume the knowledge as it is artificial, non-human knowledge, because it is not even contain part of social knowledge generated by us.
theories and automata networks as well as approaches to artificial reasoning, deduction and actions arising from robotics generate expectation of a new world in which they can accommodate extensions to our individuality to grow our intelligence and use of intelligence shared not only our citizens but also present in the networks of artifacts, which coexist and share us, knowledge and intelligence.

Monday, December 27, 2010

56 Corner Curtain Rod

Teaching Teaching & Understanding Understanding (3 / 3) [Spanish subtitles]

Best Blush Color For Olive Skin

Teaching Teaching & Understanding Understanding (2 / 3) [Spanish subtitles]

Tiffany Notes Letter “a Round Pendant

Teaching Teaching & Understanding Understanding (third) [Spanish subtitles]

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

How To Drain A Tooth Abscess Incision

In defense of connectivism

In the decades of the seventies and eighties, emerged terms that defied common sense that caused rejection in more than a teacher-researcher especially in the educational sciences and humanities. New terms such as artificial intelligence, machine intelligence, systems experts, knowledge bases, machine vision, automated reasoning, automated theorem proof, natural language understanding, artificial neural networks, genetic algorithms and others led to the contempt and disregard for the work that some universities were beginning to discuss and study.
Over time, these concepts became familiar in the academic and popular. Thus we speak of machine intelligence versus human intelligence, artificial and natural words became magic words to differentiate when it comes to human beings and when the man-made artifacts.
I bring this up for me formally developed in the area of \u200b\u200bartificial intelligence in my Master's and Doctoral studies in Mexico (CINVESTAV-IPN) and in the city of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain (IIIA-CSIC) and by having had this indifference and rejection many of my colleagues at the University to raise these issues on the table for discussion.
recently with the emergence of the proposal connectivist flown by George Siemens and Stephen Downes, the claim that knowledge resides not only in individuals but also on devices (networks), which, even learn and infer new knowledge by algorithms and methods borrowed from artificial intelligence and applied to the bases knowledge on the Internet, again generates a rejection, scorn and even ridicule in my collegiate units now in the area of \u200b\u200bteaching and pedagogy.
Yes, knowledge also resides in the networks is hosted in the nets as soon as we realized that intelligent machines available knowledge bases that could take on many forms.
connectivist The claim that the networks contain knowledge and not just individuals, have a natural sense if we distinguish the individual knowledge with knowledge of the artifacts.
This is the very nature of knowledge that is Artificial Intelligence and clearly differentiates knowledge residing in each person. The expert systems represent a distinct contribution to knowledge "artificial" in the form of knowledge bases represented in a procedural or declarative, with formal logic or rule-based or data networks or someone else. Connectivism
What's contribution brings the unification, that is, humans can connect knowledge stored in the network, we can build and take and learn from it, that is, we are able to generate knowledge on the artifacts through the use Web technologies.
Although not formally a new contribution, as already existed, it is, in that its use is massive and custom, all individuals have the ability to generate and use the knowledge stored in Internet networks.
So, I can again face my colleagues at the table of discussions (and soon, starting next year, I have challenged a public debate in an educational institution).
But also, I have very clear, talk about intelligence, learning and knowledge networks requires a new understanding and perhaps defining what we mean when applied to these new devices in the digital age.
Connectivism connects individuals, their intelligence, their knowledge, learning that probably reside in individual biological neural networks with intelligence knowledge, learning, Internet networks, is a relationship in both directions, hence its importance.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Toys Stores That Have Layaway

Super Learning Concept

Saturday 23 October 2010

Super Learning
The Learning Revolution

is a concept designed to support parents and teachers with school education of children and youth.

In his lectures Super Learning shows the scenarios of the future world from analyzing current trends.

As will the company in the world of their children, how technology will radically change the environment in which they live and the opportunities already present from emergence of new areas for professional development.

Super Learning in their courses and talks shows you the world of your children, which is here and you have not seen, is a journey into the future, where you will see, everything that exists and is not yet in daily life will know how to impact their lives.

gives you the tools that allow you to be a better guide and use all available resources so that your child has an incredible future.

work is comprehensive, combining, science, technology, psychology, nutrition, society, neuroscience and the most effective techniques of super-learning, both in our introductory courses, like learning workshops for children, parents and teachers.

So Super Learning has both the talks to show you the world of your children and their incredible possibilities as you give through workshops knowledge of super-learning techniques, high performance and nutrition your kids need to make the twenty-first century as a world full of opportunities.

All this is presented for the first time in Mexico and it's time to come with your children the future.

Super Learning supports parents and schools and for this reason the introductory workshop is free nationwide for the Exhibition *.


Super Learning
The Learning Revolution

* Travel, lodging, meals, room and projection equipment are borne by the host organization.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Para Que Se Utiliza Viavox

The Fourth Symposium of Mathematics Education in Pachuca, Hidalgo

This week I was in the Fourth Colloquium on Mathematics Education UAEH in the city of Pachuca, Hidalgo.

work a workshop consisted of a presentation on connectivism and how a teacher can learn and keep up on the Internet if you can have the right connections. In the second part of the workshop open accounts (nodes) on Facebook, Twitter, Blogs and Google Mail

not cover the practice and reflect on some changes that are due at the workshop before imparting think again:

1. The objective the workshop is to demonstrate how a teacher can be self-sufficient for learning on the Internet and the talk should focus on this goal: how to learn, how can the constant updates through connections.

2. The part of the talk but is vital to understand the work to be done in the workshop must pre-recorded on a video, upload it to YouTube and make it available to workshop participants occur weeks before the delivery thereof.

3. Could actually generate a written document also provide several useful links for those attending the workshop they had from the time they are enrolled or planning to attend, access to selected content as suggested to make better use of the workshop.

4. The face should occupy the whole time creating nodes, connecting and resolving the natural setbacks that often occur whenever. For example, inadequate Internet access, inadequate equipment or incomplete, faulty installation and maintenance of machinery, viruses and what happened to me now: are unconfigured inexplicably my laptop and I could not use the keyboard or mouse fixed. However, thanks to an external mouse inexplicably occurred to me to bring, I could resolve the problem and work in the workshop.

5. Facebook Web sites and online Wikispaces for teachers should be enabled at the time of the workshop to demonstrate their use. Additionally

our hosts and my friend Carlos Rondero were very attentive to all attendees. The invitation participated in a panel discussion on the topic of mathematical literacy and its impact on teaching, although I had to address the technological culture in education for a few points that strike me as relevant as the need for teachers at all school levels, but especially the first few years, Internet use in the classroom to show and motivate their students to use Internet to support their own training.

Those who attended the workshop and were satisfied blogs connected into a Facebook group so I have hope that we can form a community of learners online teachers. Ojala

can read this review and can receive some feedback in this space. A hug everyone and was very nice to meet you.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Does G2 Work With Ps3

values \u200b\u200bagainst a disposable world

values \u200b\u200bagainst a disposable world

was not afraid of difficulties: what the scare was the duty of choosing a path. Choose a path meant abandoning others.

Paulo Coelho (1947 -?) Brazilian writer

are increasingly being further of the children, sometimes for work, sometimes through ignorance, others for education, but now as ever the gap is huge, the technology has changed the world and the world of your children is space and yours stayed at the wheel.

During the last decade parents have struggled to give their children the best version of the material world, a world they did not live, advancing credit in the market ever allowed to live in the future society, because bet their lives to have a job because they have mortgaged a time who have not lived.

Fascinated by the advances and the possibility of society was lost in a world of having to pay what already exists at home, long hours, to travel long distances every day, moved out to the families especially in large cities.

Dad and Mom away, they only had the satisfaction of giving their children what they never had, and forgot to give what they did have, the closeness of their parents, a model family, who can no longer play because the world changed.

of their children even more, technology removed the children from the neighborhoods, playgrounds and confined to a computer, were set up for families week.

less than 100 years ago, even the extended family groups living together in important festivals, celebrations now the boys are in Burger King, or ballroom.

Everything has a different order, and the children away emotionally from the values \u200b\u200bof a world that seems to disappear rapidly.

Sexuality is viewed differently, it is now know to exercise, living away from one parent by the high divorce rate product of a society that pushes many to choose without references, the promotion of pleasure and sagging of the values \u200b\u200bthat are no longer at home, they learn from television.

Today more than ever the opportunity to make the most of what makes information technology opens the door to rethink the power of values, love, compassion, solidarity, respect and order.

The family as a unit, defending their care, and especially the possibility that this generation better prepared academically for the story, take the courage to break this model produce and produce, and design a comprehensive life model to work smarter, better manage and enjoy the uniquely human can endure, love, children, couples and life itself.

Not everything is disposable, relationships can be lasting and enriching, but it requires time, intelligence and commitment.

In the world of your children, are the values \u200b\u200blike love, ethics, respect, commitment that make a difference, no matter the school, the project of life they lead or you dream for them, the values \u200b\u200bare the foundation, the anchor, support, so they do not get lost in the tide of information that can sometimes confuse, lost and destroyed.

A kiss, a caress, a smile, a loving word can not be replaced with anything.

Super Learning
The Learning Revolution

House Breaking A Rabbit

Knowing and sexuality twenty-first century.

Knowing and sexuality twenty-first century.

Know and learn the sexuality, is not the same thing to understand and know how to live, this is a paradigm that probably left unfinished on their way to new generations.

There is a comparison that seems to be exactly to explain sexuality is lived according to the current model and I'll elaborate.

one thing to own a gun, another thing to know how it works, and know how to use very different when it's time, under what circumstances, and when its appropriate use will actually contribute a adequate benefit or service.

The body is exactly the same, known as physiological functions is good, gives us information, basically like the parties show that has a gun and goes with her when manipulated.

However, When is the time to use sexuality? What feelings experienced by young people with his body? Why? When we instincts and when we begin to be social or thinking?

Young people are concerned, the body pushes to find a partner because that is nature in action, however, our companies have delayed the ripening period for the benefit of companies better prepared intellectually, ie the time that boys are academically, is a time stolen from fertility and life partner.

This makes companies more prepared and highly productive in comparison to the old.

This point is the tendency for societies century thinking on physical societies.

is important that young people learn to know their bodies, their feelings and take care, however, one thing is caring, and another thing to constantly push them to live for the pleasure that sex brings hundreds of advertising guidelines and care but do not speak of pleasure the pleasure itself, sex is becoming a major drug, an addiction more.

Sexuality itself is even now the strength of the relationship of couples, a bond, which is violated when it invades the confusion by having multiple partners, multiple relationships, and sexuality is not a step in the strengthening of a human, but a simple act of pleasure.

Hence the importance of not ever forget that along with so-called sex education, to include content such as love, respect, caring and family values \u200b\u200bthat go hand in hand with a sexuality healthy.

many couples failed by poor information about their sexuality, now the risk is on the other hand, forget the foundation of human relationship in its social and spiritual love, care couples, seeing children grow and share a full life.

When children begin to birth to sexuality is the time to strengthen the relationship and total openness to explain what they feel and begin to live, not to mention that these feelings are tied up with love, respect, and building relationships do not end up becoming disposable.

In the world of your children, love must demonstrate, speak, speak, and linked to sexuality in a more healthy, is not only care for pregnancy or physical illness, but to avoid addictive diseases (The pleasure is) or social, such as divorce or dissolution of relationships stable based on the commitment of love and a life project.

In the world of your children love and sexuality must go together, and never be studied separately, the sexologist, sociologist and psychologist should have a role in the formation of new generations.

We can now see thanks to technology how would our future, just see what happens in most technologically advanced societies on these issues and understand that we have the opportunity to not come to that , rates of divorce, social problems such as drugs, crime and violence go hand in hand with the dissolution of their families and integrating groups live.

The industrial revolution changed forever the model of socially integrated and stable family, now the individual is becoming more lonely, and when the value of the family unit must be re-defined and protected above all.

Super Learning
The Learning Revolution