Tuesday, December 7, 2010

House Breaking A Rabbit

Knowing and sexuality twenty-first century.

Knowing and sexuality twenty-first century.

Know and learn the sexuality, is not the same thing to understand and know how to live, this is a paradigm that probably left unfinished on their way to new generations.

There is a comparison that seems to be exactly to explain sexuality is lived according to the current model and I'll elaborate.

one thing to own a gun, another thing to know how it works, and know how to use very different when it's time, under what circumstances, and when its appropriate use will actually contribute a adequate benefit or service.

The body is exactly the same, known as physiological functions is good, gives us information, basically like the parties show that has a gun and goes with her when manipulated.

However, When is the time to use sexuality? What feelings experienced by young people with his body? Why? When we instincts and when we begin to be social or thinking?

Young people are concerned, the body pushes to find a partner because that is nature in action, however, our companies have delayed the ripening period for the benefit of companies better prepared intellectually, ie the time that boys are academically, is a time stolen from fertility and life partner.

This makes companies more prepared and highly productive in comparison to the old.

This point is the tendency for societies century thinking on physical societies.

is important that young people learn to know their bodies, their feelings and take care, however, one thing is caring, and another thing to constantly push them to live for the pleasure that sex brings hundreds of advertising guidelines and care but do not speak of pleasure the pleasure itself, sex is becoming a major drug, an addiction more.

Sexuality itself is even now the strength of the relationship of couples, a bond, which is violated when it invades the confusion by having multiple partners, multiple relationships, and sexuality is not a step in the strengthening of a human, but a simple act of pleasure.

Hence the importance of not ever forget that along with so-called sex education, to include content such as love, respect, caring and family values \u200b\u200bthat go hand in hand with a sexuality healthy.

many couples failed by poor information about their sexuality, now the risk is on the other hand, forget the foundation of human relationship in its social and spiritual love, care couples, seeing children grow and share a full life.

When children begin to birth to sexuality is the time to strengthen the relationship and total openness to explain what they feel and begin to live, not to mention that these feelings are tied up with love, respect, and building relationships do not end up becoming disposable.

In the world of your children, love must demonstrate, speak, speak, and linked to sexuality in a more healthy, is not only care for pregnancy or physical illness, but to avoid addictive diseases (The pleasure is) or social, such as divorce or dissolution of relationships stable based on the commitment of love and a life project.

In the world of your children love and sexuality must go together, and never be studied separately, the sexologist, sociologist and psychologist should have a role in the formation of new generations.

We can now see thanks to technology how would our future, just see what happens in most technologically advanced societies on these issues and understand that we have the opportunity to not come to that , rates of divorce, social problems such as drugs, crime and violence go hand in hand with the dissolution of their families and integrating groups live.

The industrial revolution changed forever the model of socially integrated and stable family, now the individual is becoming more lonely, and when the value of the family unit must be re-defined and protected above all.

Super Learning
The Learning Revolution


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