Saturday, December 11, 2010

Para Que Se Utiliza Viavox

The Fourth Symposium of Mathematics Education in Pachuca, Hidalgo

This week I was in the Fourth Colloquium on Mathematics Education UAEH in the city of Pachuca, Hidalgo.

work a workshop consisted of a presentation on connectivism and how a teacher can learn and keep up on the Internet if you can have the right connections. In the second part of the workshop open accounts (nodes) on Facebook, Twitter, Blogs and Google Mail

not cover the practice and reflect on some changes that are due at the workshop before imparting think again:

1. The objective the workshop is to demonstrate how a teacher can be self-sufficient for learning on the Internet and the talk should focus on this goal: how to learn, how can the constant updates through connections.

2. The part of the talk but is vital to understand the work to be done in the workshop must pre-recorded on a video, upload it to YouTube and make it available to workshop participants occur weeks before the delivery thereof.

3. Could actually generate a written document also provide several useful links for those attending the workshop they had from the time they are enrolled or planning to attend, access to selected content as suggested to make better use of the workshop.

4. The face should occupy the whole time creating nodes, connecting and resolving the natural setbacks that often occur whenever. For example, inadequate Internet access, inadequate equipment or incomplete, faulty installation and maintenance of machinery, viruses and what happened to me now: are unconfigured inexplicably my laptop and I could not use the keyboard or mouse fixed. However, thanks to an external mouse inexplicably occurred to me to bring, I could resolve the problem and work in the workshop.

5. Facebook Web sites and online Wikispaces for teachers should be enabled at the time of the workshop to demonstrate their use. Additionally

our hosts and my friend Carlos Rondero were very attentive to all attendees. The invitation participated in a panel discussion on the topic of mathematical literacy and its impact on teaching, although I had to address the technological culture in education for a few points that strike me as relevant as the need for teachers at all school levels, but especially the first few years, Internet use in the classroom to show and motivate their students to use Internet to support their own training.

Those who attended the workshop and were satisfied blogs connected into a Facebook group so I have hope that we can form a community of learners online teachers. Ojala

can read this review and can receive some feedback in this space. A hug everyone and was very nice to meet you.


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