Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Does G2 Work With Ps3

values \u200b\u200bagainst a disposable world

values \u200b\u200bagainst a disposable world

was not afraid of difficulties: what the scare was the duty of choosing a path. Choose a path meant abandoning others.

Paulo Coelho (1947 -?) Brazilian writer

are increasingly being further of the children, sometimes for work, sometimes through ignorance, others for education, but now as ever the gap is huge, the technology has changed the world and the world of your children is space and yours stayed at the wheel.

During the last decade parents have struggled to give their children the best version of the material world, a world they did not live, advancing credit in the market ever allowed to live in the future society, because bet their lives to have a job because they have mortgaged a time who have not lived.

Fascinated by the advances and the possibility of society was lost in a world of having to pay what already exists at home, long hours, to travel long distances every day, moved out to the families especially in large cities.

Dad and Mom away, they only had the satisfaction of giving their children what they never had, and forgot to give what they did have, the closeness of their parents, a model family, who can no longer play because the world changed.

of their children even more, technology removed the children from the neighborhoods, playgrounds and confined to a computer, were set up for families week.

less than 100 years ago, even the extended family groups living together in important festivals, celebrations now the boys are in Burger King, or ballroom.

Everything has a different order, and the children away emotionally from the values \u200b\u200bof a world that seems to disappear rapidly.

Sexuality is viewed differently, it is now know to exercise, living away from one parent by the high divorce rate product of a society that pushes many to choose without references, the promotion of pleasure and sagging of the values \u200b\u200bthat are no longer at home, they learn from television.

Today more than ever the opportunity to make the most of what makes information technology opens the door to rethink the power of values, love, compassion, solidarity, respect and order.

The family as a unit, defending their care, and especially the possibility that this generation better prepared academically for the story, take the courage to break this model produce and produce, and design a comprehensive life model to work smarter, better manage and enjoy the uniquely human can endure, love, children, couples and life itself.

Not everything is disposable, relationships can be lasting and enriching, but it requires time, intelligence and commitment.

In the world of your children, are the values \u200b\u200blike love, ethics, respect, commitment that make a difference, no matter the school, the project of life they lead or you dream for them, the values \u200b\u200bare the foundation, the anchor, support, so they do not get lost in the tide of information that can sometimes confuse, lost and destroyed.

A kiss, a caress, a smile, a loving word can not be replaced with anything.

Super Learning
The Learning Revolution


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