Friday, December 31, 2010

Tanning Cream For Men

Human Knowledge and understanding of networks and devices

One of the main assertions of connectivism is the assumption that knowledge resides not only in individuals but also in networks. This is not a new concept but an idea that is irritating to the cognitivist in the sense that only the individual is an entity knowable, the only one capable of retaining knowledge because knowledge is characteristic of humans.
Knowledge is property of nature. Plants retain the knowledge needed to grow and survive. The animals, all living retains a self-knowledge that allows just that, life. With the advent and explosion of man-made devices, robots, autonomous machines, expert systems, virtual appliances, neural networks, genetic algorithms, artificial intelligence, knowledge has been understood and accepted as such. The artifacts have intelligence, knowledge and own sense of self, created by man, but essentially different from the intelligence, knowledge and common sense of humans.
is needed to understand concepts that change rapidly over time, what is knowledge in robots? Knowledge bases in computer architecture and meanings evolve. Internet networks so far. What is knowledge of networks? men and artifacts began to interact on the Internet and networks must be able to differentiate between: men and artifacts. But knowledge is mixed with artificial human knowledge. And both the artifacts and individuals can take and use that knowledge. That apparently is the future awaits us. But the study connectivist
connectivism undifferentiated human knowledge of knowledge of the artifacts present in the networks. This attitude is more confusing than helpful. The networks themselves, retain and generate knowledge, knowledge themselves and knowledge of the environment and perhaps knowledge external to the same networks. Must study, understand and assume the knowledge as it is artificial, non-human knowledge, because it is not even contain part of social knowledge generated by us.
theories and automata networks as well as approaches to artificial reasoning, deduction and actions arising from robotics generate expectation of a new world in which they can accommodate extensions to our individuality to grow our intelligence and use of intelligence shared not only our citizens but also present in the networks of artifacts, which coexist and share us, knowledge and intelligence.


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