Tuesday, December 21, 2010

How To Drain A Tooth Abscess Incision

In defense of connectivism

In the decades of the seventies and eighties, emerged terms that defied common sense that caused rejection in more than a teacher-researcher especially in the educational sciences and humanities. New terms such as artificial intelligence, machine intelligence, systems experts, knowledge bases, machine vision, automated reasoning, automated theorem proof, natural language understanding, artificial neural networks, genetic algorithms and others led to the contempt and disregard for the work that some universities were beginning to discuss and study.
Over time, these concepts became familiar in the academic and popular. Thus we speak of machine intelligence versus human intelligence, artificial and natural words became magic words to differentiate when it comes to human beings and when the man-made artifacts.
I bring this up for me formally developed in the area of \u200b\u200bartificial intelligence in my Master's and Doctoral studies in Mexico (CINVESTAV-IPN) and in the city of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain (IIIA-CSIC) and by having had this indifference and rejection many of my colleagues at the University to raise these issues on the table for discussion.
recently with the emergence of the proposal connectivist flown by George Siemens and Stephen Downes, the claim that knowledge resides not only in individuals but also on devices (networks), which, even learn and infer new knowledge by algorithms and methods borrowed from artificial intelligence and applied to the bases knowledge on the Internet, again generates a rejection, scorn and even ridicule in my collegiate units now in the area of \u200b\u200bteaching and pedagogy.
Yes, knowledge also resides in the networks is hosted in the nets as soon as we realized that intelligent machines available knowledge bases that could take on many forms.
connectivist The claim that the networks contain knowledge and not just individuals, have a natural sense if we distinguish the individual knowledge with knowledge of the artifacts.
This is the very nature of knowledge that is Artificial Intelligence and clearly differentiates knowledge residing in each person. The expert systems represent a distinct contribution to knowledge "artificial" in the form of knowledge bases represented in a procedural or declarative, with formal logic or rule-based or data networks or someone else. Connectivism
What's contribution brings the unification, that is, humans can connect knowledge stored in the network, we can build and take and learn from it, that is, we are able to generate knowledge on the artifacts through the use Web technologies.
Although not formally a new contribution, as already existed, it is, in that its use is massive and custom, all individuals have the ability to generate and use the knowledge stored in Internet networks.
So, I can again face my colleagues at the table of discussions (and soon, starting next year, I have challenged a public debate in an educational institution).
But also, I have very clear, talk about intelligence, learning and knowledge networks requires a new understanding and perhaps defining what we mean when applied to these new devices in the digital age.
Connectivism connects individuals, their intelligence, their knowledge, learning that probably reside in individual biological neural networks with intelligence knowledge, learning, Internet networks, is a relationship in both directions, hence its importance.


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