Saturday, July 18, 2009

Gay Hot Spots In Fort Worth

: Back To The Future 2

Movie directed by Robert Zemeckis in 1989 set in 2015 , 26 years after being filmed. Today at 20 years of its launch in 2015 only 6 years old can get a rough idea of \u200b\u200bthe rights and wrongs of betting (in terms of time travel talk about that in another post.) Clear that we must take into account that maybe the movie was not intended to project the reality of most real way, they may have things that are in place for film and pay nothing more, but there are other moments in the movie that is quite similar successes that reveal at least some intent for portions of the movie to be precise visions of the future.
Some betting quite lifelike:
  • The photo shows the large billboard video instead of static billboards. Cameras
  • everywhere, when arming mess after the persecution in aeroskate is seen as the cameras filmed the incident public, today everywhere is a little camera cellular or digital to film any riots, but the common people have not put in every corner of the state.
  • Videoconferencing: a lot of movies of the future include video conferencing, especially in business situations, but today is a reality accessible to many people, we can say that I do not have the popularity that expected to be used today mainly to see someone else naked.
There are also some exaggerated betting that even in 2015 will be seen as very futuristic:

  • flying cars and scooters
  • Mushrooms that fit electronically
  • In the scene where he enters the cafe 80s two children are surprised because Marty has to use his hands to play a video game (although and not needed devices external to practice a game, will still be necessary body movements, played by thought was part of a more distant future )
in the success or approximations have to give credit to the creators , there is also a deliberate intention to exaggerate this at various times, with the subject of cars flying seem as if the technology breakthrough that long ago came to experiencing sometimes think that things happen too soon, as a kind of unbridled technological optimism. Anyway
a masterpiece of cinema.



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