Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sleigh Wedding Cake Stands From Wood

futuristic film: 2084 Total Recall

Total Recall (1990) , directed by Paul Veroheven returning as that Robocop (1987) set in the future to a movie, this time in 2084 . The film that came to light almost 20 years is a futuristic film gem despite the bizarre acting of Arnold Schwarzenegger.

can be considered in some respects quite innovative, for example begins to look in the future the possibility of a virtual reality that our brain can not distinguish from real due to its realism. No longer just about machines and robots, but a way of life worlds existing in the material but not in brain. The protagonist decides to travel to Mars and do not know if in the real world or in a company that sells souvenirs, this is because the latter has advantages how to ensure perfect and happy memories and no risk of anything and with the advantage of being as real as any memory. Finally he decided to this company.
In one of the most celebrated moments of the film the rebel leader tells the protagonist " are what we do", making clear the philosophical approach that makes the film about reality and memories.

Almost ten years later (1999) came Matrix, a futuristic film picks up the theme of virtual reality, in the latter is implanted in humans by machines without the knowledge of men, who simply live this world without noticing the difference .

Some tips futuristic according Veroheven 2084:

  • Travel Companies engaged in the sale of souvenirs
  • Home mail: while breakfast offers a beautiful backdrop on the wall electronica
  • Civilization on Mars
  • Car driven by robots
course not totally missing the dummy in this case with mutant human-like protruding enter the women with four breasts or arms alien taxi driver.


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