Friday, July 17, 2009

Mucus One Week Before Period

Literature: The Third Wave

book written in 1980 by Alvin Toffler is a good reflection on the cultural changes of recent years and the next seen from a global way.
Toffler is the theory that we are currently experiencing the transition between the second wave and the third, called "waves" to major cultural changes for much of the world population.
  1. first wave: the agricultural revolution
  2. second wave: the industrial revolution
  3. third wave: the information revolution?
The transition during the first wave when humans stopped being nomad and settled in a territory based on agriculture which is the cradle of the civilized world, and this occurred in a span of millennia, in the second wave to the industrial transition occurred in centuries while the third wave is produced in decades. According to Toffler this transition from the second to the third accounts for the vast majority of ideological and political conflicts taking place today between a new world struggling to settle permanently and one that struggles to remain and not become extinct two different models that run counter to such an extent that one must die and that will be the former is replaced by a new one.
Following this approach will occur sometime in the fourth wave of change that will occur following the trend in less time than it takes to transition between second and third and also to consolidate not in decades but in some years.


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