Friday, July 24, 2009

Why Do Leaves Change Color In Autumn Bio Ap

according Futurist Cinema: Man Cibernetico

Robocop, the movie 1987 directed by Paul Veroheven set in 2015 is an issue that not many movies deal with the future: "cyber man" . Many futuristic movies treat Man-Machine relationship in a conflict like two different worlds that eventually enter the war (Terminator, Matrix, 2001 etc). But many think the future holds a conflict but an assembly. The machine and man even in a physical merging. There are already people with mechanical arms implanted in the body and can be moved with the thought , although the movements are limited so incredible is that you can move the very thought would like a real arm, and there is a device that can be deployed to the blind and you can do to see, albeit in a very low resolution, no detail and no black and white, this due to the difficulty of using technology to mimic the millions of nerves that carry the messages from the eye to the brain, but scientists believe that this barrier will gradually blurred to the point that in less than one hundred years believe they can fully reproduce the human vision and this will come with infrared vision, night and others that may set and change at home. Robotics and sent messages through thought can become a reality in the 21st century. In the future you rather have your arm "real or a robot arm with a vastly superior force and able to do things one flesh and blood can not, or your true legs, or a capable of running and jumping as much as you want?


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