Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Where Can I Find Katydids

Teleportation: fact or fiction? Futurist Cinema

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Star Trek, one of the classic TV series from the late 20 that although this set in 2265 and soon will coincide with the predictions of 250 years here is something that was typical of that series that still causes a lot of uncertainty and skepticism among the most: the teleportation. Who does not remember the famous phrase "transportanos Scotty" who so often saved the life of the crew, in this decade experiments open the possibility that it is actually something that 50 years ago no one could believe possible.

  • In 2002 a group of Australian scientists managed to teleport a laser beam to disintegrate after
  • in 2004 simultaneously in two places in the world (the U.S. and Austria) were able to teleport first atomic particles (quantum teleportation).
  • In 2006, Danish scientists are able to teleport an object composed of millions of particles visible to the naked eye and microscope.
The question that most bothers me personally is, can teleport living without disastrous consequences or unpredictable? This question will generate an interesting debate about whether humans or other living creatures are only a matter or something else, "the teleportation who will give us the answer?.
In science fiction the teleportation is nothing new but the application to the real world if possible change our lives in a way it's hard to imagine, even at the quantum level this phenomenon may give rise to a new generation of computers based on this new technology which could generate thousands of computers times faster than today.



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