Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Sun Have A Solid And Liquid Interior

In the future most will have multiple identities, perhaps only real, but several virtual, parallel, during recreation or didactic, but all took advantage of this virtual reality to make life more fun and diverse and because not for other people as such other virtual people interacting with us or our virtual personalities are essentially managed and controlled by ordinary human beings, therefore it is also a way to socialize and interact with very many human beings around the world who would otherwise never know and still in a playful and fun where real life is not at risk, where you may experience what we can not experience in the real world consequences that could be damaging to others, we can die and be born elsewhere, in the virtual world real human beings suffer not only live and play, learn, know and risk losing points or reputation but never life, that only happens in the real world, instead we'll have to try and we were not getting boring, even if the real world always gives us feelings the virtual world and they never give us the world should try to be joined harmoniously through experience and wisdom of human beings, but perhaps it is easier to say than reality.
today clear example of virtual reality games are the . Today's 3D technology allows us to visualize the city's ancient Roman empire rebuilt with very realistic graphics that provide us the trouble of having to imagine how it would be only looking at the archaeological or reading, in this same way in the future one may not only see the city rebuilt on a screen (monitor or tv) but you can walk through it, interact with others who will look like Romans, and this perhaps just a helmet and motion sensors, this technology is already starting to develop so that in the next few years will become a reality also will continue to evolve even further.


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