Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Multiplication Chart To 100 X 100

Science Fiction Film: Matrix

Matrix, the film of the brothers Wachowsky is a very distant future where technology has reached such high levels of intelligence that have turned against its creators and worse have been subjected and use them as source energy, but I like the interesting thing is neither this nor the impressive visual effects is the philosophical approach that makes the film about virtual reality .

Often when we dream our brain does not distinguish very well if it is reality, I realized this child, depending on the time sleeping and can reach levels where the brain does not distinguish the difference. In a likely future through technology it may mimic these behaviors to the point we become immersed in virtual worlds that while our conscience will know that they are virtual, our feelings will be as cerebral as the very real reality to the point that we have to psych to enter these worlds that deceive our brains of thousands of years of evolution.

Returning to the movie, this gem of science fiction cinema and raises an interesting question: If we lived in Matrix and lived in a virtual world implemented using intelligent robots tubes, but in this virtual world that is so real as reality (in our brain) are happy and live a full and healthy life And if the other side could live the reality that we would not be in capsules or liquid-filled tubes, controlled by machines or robots, would live the real world as it is, but it turns out that apocalyptic world is ugly, a technological chaos, the only thing where there are robots everywhere with no thought own is no trace of life, or can even see the blue sky; world what you choose to live ? think that there would be too solemn and heroic to live in the real world for wanting to change it, this is the movie.
is a fact that using virtual reality technology will be effective in the future, surely the Matrix scenario but probably will not happen if we live and experience virtual parallel worlds that we can configure it to taste like a character in the movie.


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